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The Metaverse and Sustainability: An Ongoing Evolution

By Darshani R Persadh posted Fri March 24, 2023 07:40 PM

My team and I are already well versed in conducting majority of our business in virtual environments and online interactions, but how different is video conferencing and communicating with others in real-time without needing to be physically present in the same location? The nature and purpose of these interactions are actually very different from doing it in the metaverse.
DARJYO Dev team - partner product demo

I was initially skeptical because privacy and security of user data is critical, as the metaverse collects large amounts of personal information about its users, but after further exploration, I took the proverbial tumble down the rabbit hole when I entered the metaverse to experience a Web 3.0 session and discovered a completely immersive and interactive virtual environment that goes beyond the traditional video conferencing experience. It allowed me to create and customize my own avatar, explore virtual worlds, and interact with other users in real-time. 

DARJYO attending the Marthaverse session with Dr Anino Emuwa (Host), Founder 100 Davos Women addressing the relationship between AI and human beings.

Having engaged in a variety of activities and experiences that go beyond just having a virtual meeting or conversation. I have since attended virtual events, visited a few virtual stores, and even participated in virtual games and simulations. The metaverse provided me with a more immersive and engaging environment that let me fully immerse myself in a virtual world. 

Immersive and engaging virtual environments

The metaverse has been proven to be amazing for the creative community, but how would a business leverage the immersive and interactive nature of virtual reality environments. For instance, imagine developing cutting-edge technology for months, perfecting the user interface and building features that stand out from the competition. But despite your best efforts, you're struggling to attract users and gain traction in a crowded market. This is where the metaverse offers a solution. 

My startup has greatly benefited from leveraging the metaverse to demo partner products. By creating virtual showrooms and experiences, we showcase partner products in a highly engaging and memorable way, generating greater interest and awareness among potential customers. Demoing partner products in the metaverse has been a more cost-effective and scalable alternative to traditional in-person demos and trade shows, allowing us to reach a wider audience and maximize our ROI.

The seamless integration into our existing workflow has significantly improved user engagement. The fully immersive experience creates a deeper engagement, increasing user exploration of our platform's features. Role-based access controls ensure that users can only access authorized data and features, easing our security concerns. The metaverse has been a game-changer for my startup, enabling us to build a platform that is more engaging, immersive, and cost-effective than ever thought possible.

IBM has been at the forefront of exploring the potential of the metaverse since its early days, positioning itself to be a key player in its development. As an early adopter of virtual worlds, IBM established a presence in Second Life in 2006, and has continued to invest in virtual and augmented reality technologies for enterprise applications.

One of IBM's representatives, Ian Hughes, was a pioneer in advocating for the potential of meeting and collaborating in virtual worlds. IBM's presence in Second Life enabled collaboration with customers and partners in a virtual environment, and in 2010, IBM partnered with Linden Lab to develop an enterprise version of the platform called "Lotus Sametime 3D."

In 2011, IBM released "IBM Virtual Collaboration for Lotus Sametime," a virtual meeting tool that allowed users to hold meetings in a 3D environment. A year later, in 2012, IBM launched "IBM Virtual Experience," a virtual customer engagement tool that enabled customers to interact with IBM's products and services in a virtual environment.

IBM's longstanding exploration of immersive technologies for enterprise applications includes the metaverse, as well as virtual and augmented reality. They have developed virtual reality training programs for healthcare professionals, among other applications. While IBM's presence in the metaverse is currently limited, their history and involvement with the Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMG) position them as a key player in the evolution of the metaverse.

The metaverse is an emerging technology with great potential, as a shared virtual space where users can interact and engage with one another and digital assets. Despite challenges such as interoperability or technical limitations, recent developments and heavy investments by companies suggest the metaverse is poised to become a major area of innovation and growth in the tech industry. A powerful platform that can be accessed from anywhere in the world, the metaverse is an exciting and evolving space, with endless possibilities for the future of virtual reality.

