SPSS Statistics

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SPSS is now on Bluemix!

By Armand Ruiz posted Sun March 01, 2015 04:27 PM

Great news for all the developers. You can now deploy the predictive models created using IBM SPSS Modeler to your applications.


It is very simple, simply log in Bluemix and you can upload your SPSS stream in the Administration Dashboard. Once deployed, your applications can access your models via requests and score input data. You can also refresh your predictive models without stopping your applications.

You can access IBM Predictive Modelling service via REST API using any programming language.  I will do a tutorial and video showing you how easy is to get started using it.




Thu June 01, 2017 02:38 PM

It is now called "IBM Watson Maschine Learning", you will find it under "Data&Analytics"

Thu May 18, 2017 12:55 PM

I can't find it on the catalogue. Does it have a new name?

Thu December 01, 2016 01:02 PM

Could you please help me in getting a sample R-Code source with steps to deploy in Bluemix and getting the output. In case to do this SPSS is also required then, please let me know whole bundle along with deployment and getting output process.

Wed September 28, 2016 02:41 PM


Where can I find the tutorial video. How can we access input excel file from desktop and run that with the SPSS model that I have uploaded to Bluemix.

Tue November 03, 2015 01:37 AM

Yes, you can use this: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/catalog/predictive-analytics/

Tue November 03, 2015 12:25 AM

Game companies are using SPSS quite a lot. I think you provide API for those companies to use SPSS on BlueMix, correct ?

Sat October 31, 2015 11:51 PM

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[…] Ruiz and his colleagues have been trying to spread the word about IBM Bluemix and how it allows the deployment of Modeler streams on the cloud. Of course, as […]

Wed September 23, 2015 02:09 PM

This is exactly what you can do!

Wed September 23, 2015 11:13 AM

Can you confirm that I can directly deploy a .str file generated with SPSS ?