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Announcing Analytic Server 3.0.1

By Archive User posted Fri December 02, 2016 03:36 PM

IBM SPSS Analytic Server (AS) version 3.0.1 is released on 11/30/2016. There are a set of enhancements in this release, including:

New Data Source Support
• IBM BigSQL is supported as both JDBC data source and HCatalog data source. SQL push-back is supported to leverage BigSQL MPP SQL Engine for data processing operations.
• Dash DB JDBC data source and SQL push-back is supported
• Existing MySQL database can be used as AS metastore

Performance Enhancement
• Hive SQL push-back is supported
• SQL push-back for outer join is supported
• Spark map-side join is supported to optimize the execution

Usability Enhancement
• User can import/export multiple data sources in a single action
• HCatalog user interface is updated to only show the tables to which the user has access

Platform Support Update
• Support new platform - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64
• Support MapR 5.1
• Support Cloudera 5.8
• Support DB2 11.1

Complete user documentation is available in the IBM SPSS Analytic Server Knowledge Center.




Thu January 05, 2017 10:52 AM

Hi Vallaud,

Sorry that I did not see your question in the first place. I'm not quite understand what it referred to by "ML/DD in the connectors in Analytic Server". Do you mean Machine Learning in Spark? Can you elaborate more of your question?

Thu January 05, 2017 10:46 AM

Hi Andres,
Sorry for the late response. In this link of Software Compativility Reports (http://www-969.ibm.com/software/reports/compatibility/clarity-reports/report/html/softwareReqsForProduct?deliverableId=89EB4DD0407C11E5B2E4A36A7B0C4479&osPlatforms=Linux&duComponentIds=S001) and under the "Hardware" tab, you can see there is minimum/recommended requirement for Disk Space, Memory, and Processor for the server to install Analytic Server. Hope this helpful.

Thu January 05, 2017 10:37 AM

Hi SL, HDP 2.5 is not supported in the latest release of AS 3.0.1. We are planning to have a fix pack release for AS 3.0.1 to add HDP 2.5 support, tentatively by end of March.

Wed January 04, 2017 02:12 PM

Is the Hortonworks Hadoop 2.5 supported in this latest fix pack release?

Wed December 07, 2016 01:43 PM


In addition, do you have any document related with Analytic Server sizing?. How do you calculate the RAM, free space in DD for server with Analytic Server installation?

Fri December 02, 2016 03:48 PM

Super news
When do you integrate natively ML/HD inside connectors in Analytic Server ?