It may be the final day of IBM World of Watson, but there are still plenty of opportunities for you to grow your expertise before heading home. You'll want to squeeze in these predictive analytics activities!
Download the complete predictive analytics conference guide in PDF format. Breakout sessions8:00-8:45AM
3189- Understand How to Architect IBM BigInsight and SPSS in an IBM Cloud Environment
Mandalay Bay – South Pacific D
1693 – IBM SPSS in the Cognitive Era
Mandalay Bay – South Pacific D
2619 – With IBM Advanced Analytics, Continental Tire Zooms Ahead of the Competition
Mandalay Bay – South Pacific H
1176 – XaaS Survival Mode: Turn Customer Churn into Return with SPSS
Mandalay Bay – South Pacific D
1114 – Model Students: How IBM SPSS Statistics Improved Decision-Making in Education
Mandalay Bay – South Pacific D
2157 – Integrate Watson, R, and Python with IBM SPSS Using Extensions
Mandalay Bay – South Pacific D
Download the complete predictive analytics conference guide in PDF format.Stay connectedSign up for IBMGo and see live streaming content, videos and much more--even after you get back to the office!
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