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  • 1.  Difficulties with visibility as high tech talent

    Posted Mon March 14, 2022 09:46 AM
    The recent thread regarding the difficulty finding qualified AIX
    candidates highlights a hiring problem that's happening frequently in
    IT. We have companies who cannot find highly qualified candidates for
    positions. Conversely we have very knowledgeable technical individuals
    that are either underemployed for their skillset or frustrated seeking
    new employment.

    My experience has been that many very talented individuals are
    marginalized by the hiring process because their skills aren't easily
    quantifiable into neat keywords on paper.

    Frequently HR and recruiters don't understand the technical systems
    that they are hiring for. This prevents qualified candidates from
    being seen by managers because the screening layer is not

    To that end, I propose we use this message thread for qualified
    candidates to speak up that they are looking for employment in AIX
    related positions. I understand this is a technical forum, but the
    technology is supported by people. Technical people need to support
    each other too.

    Know someone hiring that needs quality highly skill AIX talent?
    Please post!

    Are you a highly skilled AIX resource looking for work? Please consider

    To help the moderators keep the forum on topic, I'd encourage using a
    single thread rather than many separate posts. Old posts will age
    poorly, please use edit to update your messages to reflect their

    Lets try to leverage our community to benefit the technical members as
    well as the companies utilizing the technology.

    Russell Adams

  • 2.  RE: Difficulties with visibility as high tech talent

    Posted Mon March 14, 2022 09:53 AM
    Great idea, Russell!

    As of 14:18 last Friday, I have been looking for work. CV easily Googleable I believe. I have been doing Linux, mostly personally, for 25 years and AIX professionally for 23 years, contracting for the last 15.

    I live in Buckinghamshire, UK, but am happy to work remotely if possible.

    Henrik Morsing

    Henrik Morsing

  • 3.  RE: Difficulties with visibility as high tech talent

    Posted 12 days ago

    I am interested in a new AIX opportunity if there are any around. I am based in Buckinghamshire, UK.

    Henrik Morsing