Instana U

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  • 1.  Unable to access Instana backend url

    Posted Mon December 19, 2022 08:05 PM
    Hi All,

    I have installed Instana v237 on Docker in a public cloud vm(debian) successfully. But, I am unable to access the URL that was generated based on FQDN details provided during "instana init"

    ERRR says can't reach this page. 

    This site can't be reachedCheck if there is a typo in XXXXX.XXX.XXX
    If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.

    When We checked further this FQDN mapped to loop back IP

    Could please help me here whether this is the right to configure FQDN or have to do any changes to access the URL ?

    P.S. note: our VM is opened to internet

    Bhanu Prakash Desakuru

  • 2.  RE: Unable to access Instana backend url

    Posted Tue December 20, 2022 01:32 AM
    Dear Bahnu, it looks like there is a networking issue than for which you likely need to involve your network administrator, this doesn't sound like an Instana issue assuming all containers are up and running.

    it being mapped to the loop back ip doesn't sound right here and it should be a regular network address.

    Jordy Mevissen

  • 3.  RE: Unable to access Instana backend url

    Posted Tue December 20, 2022 03:22 AM
    I would say, either a networking or a docker issue. Might be worth checking your docker configuration as well.

    Bart Bogaerts
    Client Engineering - Technology Engineer
    IBM Belgium