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Enabling web monitoring /EUM for an application deployed on Openshift

  • 1.  Enabling web monitoring /EUM for an application deployed on Openshift

    Posted Thu February 23, 2023 12:30 AM

    Hi All,

    I have installed an application on openshift and trying to monitor the same through Instana. For these, installed Instana agent in openshift and successfully integrated with Instana backend. Then, I have added my application under website and it gives me eum.key and eum.url to start tracking the app.

    Updated web deployment yaml file with key and URL but still not able to see any data related to the application in Dashboard.

    Please help me here if above steps correct or need to update some other yaml file to see the data.

    Note: Instana version is 242 and Openshift version is 4.10

    Bhanu Prakash Desakuru

  • 2.  RE: Enabling web monitoring /EUM for an application deployed on Openshift

    Posted Thu February 23, 2023 01:29 AM

    Hi Bhanu,

    I am not aware of how is your application structured, but usually eum.key and eum.url (reportingUrl) needs to be added as a script to the HTML document's <head />

    Check the configuration tab of your applications website monitoring dashboard, it would look something like this 


    and in case you, if you are talking about/interested in the application perspective then check out this 

    Chinmay Samant