Guild 17 Q&A from chat

Guild 17 Q&A from chat 

Mon June 05, 2023 05:15 PM


Where can I find more information about z/OS Change Tracker and the free trial?


Change Tracker 90 Day Free Trial Information:


How do you configure it so if a Broadcom (or any other non IBM vendor) product dumps, that it interfaces with them to search for matching service


You can configure FTP servers and profiles from the Actions pull-down menu. We are kind of generating a URL of IBM Support web site based on dump information. So today, we don't support non ibm vendor URL. But that's something you could raise a requirement to us.


Do you have procedures in place to santize the SVC dumps using Data Privacy for Diagnostices before sending them out to ISVs?


Not yet. But that’s something definitely interesting for us.


Can you configure z/OSMF to clean up incident data (dumps, logstreams) automatically? For example after X number of days.


This setting is not supported at the moment. You are welcome to open a requirement to us. There is some JCL sample that can be used to cleanup the data— the SYS1.SAMPLIB member CEATOOL can do Batch cleanup of System Dump Directory and other z/OSMF Incident Log data including SVCDumps


Why is the number of incidents limited to a maximum of 500? In the past we have already seen some more incidents


There is a maximum of 500 incidents that match filter criteria that can be displayed in the UI. It was designed for performance reason.


Hello, i have incident log config'd and working..nice. we do not have SFTP. I don't have a way to ftp the dump to ibm/pmr. what method should I use?


You can use PDUU with HTTPS. In the FTP servers table, you can see four default PDUU with HTTPS method which you can used to send data to IBM. There are limitations with using HTTPS PDUU transfermethod, e.g. sending USS files is not supported. To confige PDUU with HTTPs, need to download certificates from testcase or ecurep sites, and import them to your security DB, for instance, RACF. Here is a link to help:


We do not have PDUU/httpds config'd, is there a good manual how to set it up?


Here is the documentation of PDUU:


Can you use zosmf APIs to query or get a list of incidents?


 No, there is no such API today.


Are the "Actions" controllable from some general profile, say if I don't want just anyone to generate dumps or override DAE etc?


We have SAF resource to control access to Incident Log plugin in general. But not for action level of granularity.


I am not sure on how to download certificates from testcase or ecurep, any link or doc on that?


No doc on that now, but I can draft a doc and we will add a link to the document from