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*New* z/OS Change Tracker as a z/OSMF plugin! Try it free for 90-days


IBM z/OS Change Tracker is a System Software Change Control and Management solution for the z/OS platform. It allows for automatic, real-time tracking, control, and management of systems software configuration changes and can identify and report on system-wide changes. Designed to enhance the security, resiliency, and compliance of z/OS operating environments, z/OS Change Tracker provides an auditable tracking mechanism that automatically creates member backups when protected libraries are updated.  

z/OS Change Tracker is now supported as a z/OSMF plug-in!

The IBM z/OS Change Tracker z/OSMF plug-in provides an interactive and easy-to-use GUI front-end from the z/OSMF desktop. Currently, the plug-in includes a Monitored Resources view for managing resources on the protection list, and other features such as viewing the change history of data sets, member-level backup and recovery, and checkin and checkout of members. Additional functionalities plan to be delivered iteratively. Available now on z/OS V2.5 and later with the PTFs for APAR PH49337.

View of the 'Monitored Resources' tab within the plugin

View of the 'Monitored Resources' tab within the plugin

Availability of 90-day trial

What's more, is that z/OS Change Tracker is now available as a 90-day self service trial for uses to use and evaluate the product at no charge. Activating the trial is a simple process that does not require assistance from IBM, and is available with the PTF for APAR PH51954. For more information on trial activation steps, view the z/OS Change Tracker documentation. 

For any questions related to z/OS Change Tracker, please email for assistance.

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Fri March 31, 2023 05:11 PM

Fiona, this is great information for those that want an intuitive interface to jump right into monitoring certain data sets.  AND the easy ability to try it out at no cost, before deciding if Change Tracker fits their needs.  A double goody!