In this webinar we will focus on the many ways Go can play a central role in enterprise modernization. Go is an easy to learn, efficient to use modern programming language. On z/OS Go can be used to access data (Db2, datasets, VSAM), call other languages (C, COBOL, Assembly), and access z/OS...
Wed October 02, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM ET
Build micro services on zSystems? Check. ✅ Connect your web app to secured data on z/OS? We gotcha. ✅ Build new features into your mature z/OS business applications? Yes. ✅ You can do these and many more cool things on zSystems using open source technologies! Did you...
#ApplicationModernization #opensource #Languages #node.js #Python #Python #Go
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Modernization is about delivering the best value to your customers, more quickly. This includes reducing the cost of maintaining your existing applications by updating or extending them. With Open Enterprise SDK for Go, IBM brings the benefits of the popular Go language to accelerate digital...