
Michael Tiba Busch

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What excites me about technology? What excites me most about technology is its unimaginable potential in improving the way we do things and interact. During my upbringing I lived in different parts of the world. And when we moved long distance in the nineties, I had been heartbroken as I had to leave all my friends behind. The ways that have presented themselves for us to reconnect ever since have been everything but imaginable. Now we interact with technologies as seamlessly as we interact with one another. The same counts for the way we recall Knowledge, if you had read a interesting book or gathered some great insights from somewhere, to recall such information you would have to rely on you ability to keep these information in mind or if not so it would be a rather long and hideous task to re-excess the information. Within my lifetime I have seen this change rapidly. I want to be a part of how we are to shape technology for the way we communicate and exchange knowledge in the broader sense. The scale of what had already been achieved is what gets me excited about technology and it’s potential.