
Guy Przytula

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I started to work for IBM on 12/8/1974 in Brussels Belgium. This was in the hardware department as a CE (customer engineer) for data entry machines (024-026-029-059....)
After 10y of service, I entered the system support team, for supporting IBM internal applications. After 1y I moved to software support center, and started to support VM/SP... In the 80's a new software was introduced (before Db2) in VM/VSE and was later on named SQL/DS. I started supporting this product. After many years, I moved to software services doing services mainly for Db2 on LUW.
I ended my career in 2006 (bridge to retirement). I continued  as independent consultant in the IM world, doing services for Db2, CDC and Datastage. I still do this, as well as teaching these products, mostly for LearnQuest.