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  • 1.  z/OS 3.1 download collection is missing the HTML index from prior release collections

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri September 29, 2023 09:58 AM

    A new IBM Idea that I'd appreciate your support (vote) on

    In summary with the z/OS 3.1 PDF download collection zip file there is no html directory of the files as there has been in the past. This is a significant impediment to the usability of this downloaded collection.

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion

  • 2.  RE: z/OS 3.1 download collection is missing the HTML index from prior release collections

    Posted Mon October 02, 2023 02:54 AM
    Edited by Manoj Jadwani Mon October 02, 2023 02:54 AM

    Hi Lionel,

    Till IBM comes up with official .html index . You can use a code to generate .html file for pdfs using a code I wrote while back to unclutter pdfs on my pc.

    Instructions how to use :

    Sample .html file

    Hope this helps.


    Manoj K Jadwani

    Manoj Jadwani
    Product Manager
    BMC Software

  • 3.  RE: z/OS 3.1 download collection is missing the HTML index from prior release collections

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon October 02, 2023 06:39 AM
    Edited by Lionel Dyck Wed October 04, 2023 08:10 AM

    thank you [ but I'm also looking for the publication groupings

    This works for me:

    1. Download the 3.1 collection
    2. copy from your 2.5 collection directory the 1.read_me... file and subdirectory into the 3.1 directory
    3. Rename them from v2r5 to v3r1
    4. Edit the htm file and change 2.5 to 3.1 and v2r5 to v3r1
    5. save it and your good to go

    Caveats - any new products/pubs that are new to 3.1 won't be there (e.g. AI, DSFS wasn't there, and probably more). This process does not change the order number for the pubs but will fix the url for the related pdf.

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion

  • 4.  RE: z/OS 3.1 download collection is missing the HTML index from prior release collections

    Posted Tue October 03, 2023 03:49 AM
    Edited by Jose Antonio Romero Tue October 03, 2023 03:49 AM

    Manoj, smart and simple idea!!!!


    Jose Antonio Romero
    Mainframe Infrastructure System Engineer

  • 5.  RE: z/OS 3.1 download collection is missing the HTML index from prior release collections

    Posted Mon October 02, 2023 03:56 PM

    Totally agree Lionel. I have added my vote to your idea. In the mean time i have found this tool very useful to create a searchable index.html file, with a side window to open any pdf file. Neat, easy and convenient.  I have used it, and can guarantee it is safe.

    Philippe RICHARD

  • 6.  RE: z/OS 3.1 download collection is missing the HTML index from prior release collections

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue October 10, 2023 08:21 AM

    As of this morning IBM has updated the PDF zip collection (aka the PDX file) with an HTML file and it works as expected. Thus this is no longer an issue.

    Lionel B. Dyck <><
    IBM z Systems Champion