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  • 1.  Is Mainframe Culture better at Inclusion and Diversity than other Technology teams?

    Posted Thu October 03, 2024 08:07 AM

    I have been involved in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion space longer than in mainframes and sometimes being one of the newer people in the team gives you a different perspective to offer. I think when it comes to diversity and inclusion in tech, something special is happening in our corner of Technology.

    We thrive on teamwork. Unlike distributed systems that expect more isolated work, mainframe is a shared environment that necessitates collaboration. Changes can impact the entire system, requiring us to work together and consider various viewpoints. This naturally breeds inclusion. We don't just tolerate different voices; we rely on them for success. In our complex work environment, no single perspective can succeed alone. Here, diversity of thought isn't a buzzword – it's essential to getting things done.

    In a world of laptops, mainframers are unconventional and this is a strength. Our experience as outliers has taught us to value differences. Mainframe technology excels in specific tasks, much like how diverse perspectives drive innovation further than what groupthink can achieve. Our niche position has transformed us into champions of unconventional technology, it is not so far to become a champion of unconventional choices for our people too.

    We're currently facing a skills shortage in the mainframe world, but I view this as an opportunity for transformation. It's our chance to welcome fresh perspectives and diverse talents. When we need to replace someone who is retiring, we can look to individuals from underrepresented groups. We can benefit from having new voices, ideas, and approaches.

    Do you agree that mainframe seems like an environment that will be better at embracing a diversity of people or do you think it is the same as other technology teams? Why do you think so?

    Ruth Bonser

  • 2.  RE: Is Mainframe Culture better at Inclusion and Diversity than other Technology teams?

    Posted Thu October 03, 2024 08:55 AM
    My .05c

    As I see, Mainframe has a big difference on x86.

    On his natural environment, mainframe is a complex system, with lots of technological details that make totally impossible for someone to "know everything": you have some basic knowledge on everything, but no one can be specialit on many technologies on it. You can not be a RACF specialist and a CICS one and a RMF one and a PR/SM one, for example.

    So, by default, you need to trust on your work partners and so you need to include them on your team...

    On x86, is easier for someone to do the jack-of-all-trades, by developing and being DBA and being a network specialist...

    Fabio Emilio Costa
    Superintendência de Produtos e Serviços - Centro de Dados
    Diretoria de Operações

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  • 3.  RE: Is Mainframe Culture better at Inclusion and Diversity than other Technology teams?

    Posted Tue October 08, 2024 10:55 AM

    I've been an advocate for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion before I started my mainframe career, and was heavily involved in ERGs at both Airbus and BMC.

    I also do a lot of volunteering in Suicide Prevention, Mental Health Advocacy, STEM Ambassadorship, and teaching/tutoring students.

    With these experiences in mind, I find the mainframe community to be remarkably considerate and open 🙏

    As Ruth points out, we really do thrive on teamwork.  Ultimately, every team/role on the mainframe is working together (even if indirectly) to the main goal of optimisation, whether this be in terms of security, in terms of productivity (e.g. MIPs), in terms of storage/database efficiency, etc....

    "The mainframe is a shared environment that necessitates collaboration" is spot-on.

    Furthermore, with our current skills shortage it has become more important than ever that we work together and support our collective growth.

    There is a lot to be optimistic about when we envisage the future of this industry, from IBM's Mainframe Skills Council to the student outreach that many people are involved in.

    Thankfully, many companies are also 'putting their money where their mouth is' and are investing hugely into schemes and programs for new talent:

    • M&T Bank have internship and tech development programs focused on IBM Z Mainframes
    • Broadcom has their Workforce Resiliency Programs (like the Vitality Residency program)
    • BMC Software has their NextGen program teaching participants with hands-on learning
    • Vertali has their New-To-Z Initiative which gradually builds new talent up
    • The Open Mainframe Project has a virtual mentorship program used by hundreds each year

    These schemes are open to people of all walks of life, which naturally encourages inclusion and will likely boost future innovation!

    So to put it simple, I absolutely agree that the Mainframe community is standing out in all the right ways 😊

    Niall Ashley (he/him)
    Consultant in Mainframe Security (RACF)
    Vertali Ltd

  • 4.  RE: Is Mainframe Culture better at Inclusion and Diversity than other Technology teams?

    Posted Wed October 16, 2024 08:23 AM

    Hi Ruth,

    As a queer international student just starting my journey in tech, your post really got me thinking. I'm not super familiar with mainframes yet, but the collaborative, inclusive environment you've described sounds really appealing-especially coming from someone who's still finding their place in such a vast field.

    I've noticed that tech, in general, can feel a bit isolating at times, especially for those of us from underrepresented groups. What you said about mainframe culture being rooted in teamwork and relying on different perspectives really stands out. That kind of collaboration would make it feel like everyone's voice actually matters, which isn't something you always find in other areas of tech.

    The idea of using the current skills shortage as a way to bring in more diverse talents is such a smart approach. It feels like the perfect opportunity to break down the usual barriers and bring in people who might not fit the "traditional" tech mold, but can bring new and valuable perspectives to the table.

    I'm really intrigued by how mainframe teams could lead the way in making tech spaces more inclusive, and it's something I'd love to explore as I continue my studies. Thanks for sharing this-it's given me a lot to think about as I start figuring out where I fit in this industry.

    Ray Smridhi Bhakri

  • 5.  RE: Is Mainframe Culture better at Inclusion and Diversity than other Technology teams?

    Posted 6 days ago

    In my experience going back to 1972, the key things that anyone cared about was  skillset and integrity. If you can do the job and are honest about things then you will be accepted. If you claim to have a skill and prove you don't, which proves no integrity, then you will not be accepted. Introvert or extrovert does not matter.

    Lionel Dyck