I explicitly didn't define the individual API's as I'm sure I'd miss one, or more, and I don't have access to the FAMS doc to know what is available. If IBM wants users to read, update, delete, rename, etc. I'm sure they can figure it out. The other solution is for every org within IBM, and ISVs, to RYO which (imho) is what forced IBM to have common APIs for security, for spool access, etc.
But I could be wrong. Feel free to add your comments to the IDEA - couldn't hurt.
Lionel B. Dyck <><
IBM z Systems Champion
Original Message:
Sent: Fri December 08, 2023 10:57 AM
From: Scott Fagen
Subject: IBM Idea requesting IBM provide a set of common APIs to access PDSE Member Generations
Maybe I don't understand how the ideas website works, but it doesn't seem that there was any rationale stated for the "Not Under Consideration" response.
Looking at the idea, I think that maybe if you were more specific (rather than "PDSE generations needs APIs") a request for the APIs you need/think might make sense might make for some movement.
Scott Fagen
Mainframe Evangelist
Original Message:
Sent: Fri December 08, 2023 10:42 AM
From: Lionel Dyck
Subject: IBM Idea requesting IBM provide a set of common APIs to access PDSE Member Generations
I was shocked when my IBM Idea for PDSE Member Generations Common APIs was rejected and have opened a 'part 2' to nudge DFSMS development. If you agree please (1) vote and (2) add your own comments to bolster the cause. The url is https://ibm-z-hardware-and-operating-systems.ideas.ibm.com/ideas/ZOS-I-3926
Lionel B. Dyck <><
IBM z Systems Champion