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Streamlined Shopz ordering process for Node.js on z/OS (updated Oct2024)


IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Node.js is offered as a no-charge product in either a pax file format or SMP/E format. Which file format is right for you depends on your environment and the purpose for use. To learn more about these options, see the blog: Shopz Enhanced for Faster Ordering of IBM Open Source Distributions

As IBM continues to embrace the adoption and innovation of open-source software on the IBM zSystems platform, we have streamlined the Shopz ordering process for popular z/OS open-source distributions. This enables customers to obtain open-source software and purchase support plans for their mission-critical production workloads to meet their business needs.

To order IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Node.js in Shopz, refer to the steps below:


Step One:

Login into Shopz, if you do not have a Shopz account, you can register here.

Step Two:

After logging into Shopz, go to “My orders” and “Create new order”. Select the radio button “z/OS Open Source SW on z/OS” and click “Continue”.


Step Three:

From the Catalog view, select "Production description" for the Search field and  search for "Node.js", click "Show catalog", then select the "Open Ent SDK for Node.js" checkbox and click the "Submit" button.
Click "I agree" in the pop-up box to be redirected to another IBM secure site. 

Step Four:

After page redirection, scroll to the " IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Node.js" section. Select the "Get the code" and/or "Subscription and Support" (S&S) checkbox, then click the “Submit” button.

Note that you can select the code without S&S, or select quote for S&S without the code, or select both options, based on your needs.

If you have further questions, issues please reach out to the blog’s author via email -