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Streamlined Shopz ordering process for Go on z/OS

As IBM continues to embrace adoption and innovation of open-source software on the IBM zSystems platform, we have streamlined the Shopz ordering process for popular z/OS open-source distributions. This enables customers to obtain these open-source software and purchase support plan for their mission-critical production workloads to meet their business needs. For more details, see blog: Shopz Enhanced for Faster Ordering of IBM Open Source Distributions.

Specifically, to order IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go in Shopz, refer to the following steps.

After logging into Shopz and creating a new order, select the "z/OS - Open Source SW on z/OS" option, and click "Continue".

Select "All languages", and search for "5655-GOZ", click "Show catalog", then select "Open Ent SDK for Go" checkbox and click "Submit" button.

Click "I agree" in pop-up box to be redirected to another IBM secure site.

After page redirection, scroll to "IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go" section. Select "Get the code" and/or "Subscription and Support" (S&S) checkbox. Note that you can select the code without S&S, or select quote for S&S without the code, or select both options, based on your needs.