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Upgrading to the latest OMEGAMON Data Provider


As mentioned in both the overview blog and disruptive changes blog, there are actions required for existing OMEGAMON Data Provider users in order to operate at the latest service level. If you are a new user, no need to worry about these actions. Follow the directions in the Install Guide. These directions have been extracted directly from that manual. 

Below you'll find the specific actions necessary to facilitate this migration or upgrade to the new functionality. They encompass changes to OMEGAMON Data Connect and OMEGAMON Data Broker. 

OMEGAMON Data Connect Changes

Move your existing OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration files to user directories.

This APAR introduces user directories as a formalized structure for storing your site-specific OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration details.

Perform the following steps for each of your existing OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration files:

    1. Use the create action of the supplied shell script to create a user directory.
      For example, at a shell prompt, change to the bin directory under the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory, and then enter the following command, where /var/omdp/prod-a is the user directory that you want to create:

ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR=/var/omdp/prod-a ./connect create

    1. Move your existing configuration file to the relative path config/connect.yaml under the new user directory. Overwrite the sample configuration file that the script copied to that directory.

Changes to OMEGAMON Data Connect operations

If you use a z/OS® JCL procedure to run OMEGAMON Data Connect, upgrade your procedure based on the latest sample.

    1. Replace your procedure with the latest sample procedure supplied in TKANSAM(KAYCONN).
    2. Edit the values of the symbolic parameters at the start of the procedure.


The path of the Java™ installation directory. The directory must contain a bin subdirectory that contains the java command.


The path of the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory.


The path of your OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory.

If you use the supplied sample shell script to run OMEGAMON Data Connect, change your method for invoking the script to match the latest sample.

Changes to the sample shell script include:

    1. To run OMEGAMON Data Connect, you must now specify the command-line argument run.
    2. You must set the value of the environment variable ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR to refer to the path of the OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory.

For more details on the changes to the shell script, see What's new in OMEGAMON Data Provider and Sample shell script to run OMEGAMON Data Connect.

If you use your own custom Java command line to run OMEGAMON Data Connect, upgrade your command line to reflect the changes in OMEGAMON Data Connect.

In particular, note the new JAR file name in the -jar option and the new -Dodp.ext option.

For details on changes to the Java command line, see What's new in OMEGAMON Data Provider and Java command line to run OMEGAMON Data Connect.

Upgrading OMEGAMON Data Broker

Upgrade the Zowe™ cross-memory server that runs OMEGAMON® Data Broker.

These upgrade steps are required for two reasons:

  • OMEGAMON Data Broker now requires a Zowe cross-memory server load module from Zowe 1.28.2, or later.
  • You are no longer required to rename the Zowe cross-memory server load module supplied with OMEGAMON Data Provider from KAYSIS01 to ZWESIS01. OMEGAMON Data Provider supplies the server load module from Zowe 1.28.2. You can use that load module with the name KAYSIS01.

If you run OMEGAMON Data Broker in a Zowe cross-memory server that is part of a stand-alone installation of Zowe earlier than 1.28.2, then either:

  • Upgrade your stand-alone installation of Zowe to a more recent version. If that's the case, skip the upgrade procedure described here. Instead, see the Zowe documentation.
    Ensure that the STEPLIB concatenation for your Zowe cross-memory server job step includes the latest OMEGAMON Data Broker load modules, supplied in TKANMODP(KAYB0001) and TKANMODP(KAYBNETL).
  • Switch to using the server load module, from Zowe 1.28.2, that is supplied with OMEGAMON Data Provider. For details, see the following procedure.

If you already run OMEGAMON Data Broker in a Zowe cross-memory server that is supplied with OMEGAMON Data Provider, then perform the following procedure to replace your existing ZWE-prefix members with KAY-prefix members.

Tip: Performing the following procedure to replace your existing ZWE-prefix members with KAY-prefix members is not strictly necessary. The important point for this upgrade is that, whatever name you use for the Zowe cross-memory server load module, you use a load module from Zowe 1.28.2, or later. However, switching to KAY-prefix members will save you future work and avoids the risk of inadvertently continuing to use an old copy of the server module. OMEGAMON Data Provider supplies the load module as KAYSIS01. If you decide to continue renaming it to ZWESIS01, as required by earlier APARs, then, if you ever forget to perform that rename, you'll continue to use the old renamed copy. It's your choice, but it's less work and less risky to switch to using the KAYSIS01 load module name as supplied with OMEGAMON Data Provider.


  1. Replace your existing OMEGAMON Data Broker startup JCL procedure, PROCLIB(ZWESIS01), with a new procedure, PROCLIB(KAYSIS01), based on the new sample member TKANSAM(KAYSIS01).

The new sample procedure refers to the supplied load module name KAYSIS01, reflecting the fact that this load module no longer needs to be renamed to ZWESIS01. The STEPLIB can now refer to the single library, TKANMODP, that contains all of the required load modules.

The new sample procedure specifies the name ODP_BROKER (was: ZWESIS_STD). The name that you specify here must match the name specified by the key in the collection configuration member, RKANPARU(KAYOPEN). If you decide to keep the name ODP_BROKER, to identify this instance of the Zowe cross-memory server as dedicated to running OMEGAMON Data Broker, then ensure that you also update RKANPARU(KAYOPEN).

For more details on editing the sample procedure, see Configuring OMEGAMON Data Broker.

  1. Rename your existing OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration member to match the first four characters of the server load module name.

For example, rename the existing member PARMLIB(ZWESIP00) to PARMLIB(KAYSIP00).

  1. Define a resource profile for KAYS*.* started tasks to match the existing ZWES*.* profile.

Example RACF® commands:



Replace the parameter values in this example with values that reflect your site-specific practices for started tasks.

  1. If the resource profile for ZWES*.* started tasks was required only for the Zowe cross-memory server that is dedicated to running OMEGAMON Data Broker, then delete that profile.

Attention: Only delete the ZWES*.* profile if you are certain that it is no longer required. For example, confirm that the profile is not required by a stand-alone Zowe installation unrelated to OMEGAMON Data Provider.

Example RACF commands:



  1. Modify the z/OS® MVS™ program properties table (PPT) to make the Zowe cross-memory server load module KAYSIS01 run in key 4 and be non-swappable.
    1. Edit the PPT definition member SYS1.PARMLIB(SCHEDxx).
      Add the following entry:


    1. Modify the PPT.
      Example MVS system command:


  1. If the existing PPT entry for ZWESIS01 was used only for the Zowe cross-memory server that is dedicated to running OMEGAMON Data Broker, then delete that entry.

Attention: Only delete the PPT entry for ZWESIS01 if you are certain that it is no longer required. For example, confirm that the entry is not required by a stand-alone Zowe installation unrelated to OMEGAMON Data Provider.

Restarting OMEGAMON Data Provider

After applying the PTF and performing the upgrade steps, restart the components involved, and then check for expected messages. In particular, check the messages that report the APAR number and Zowe™ version.


  1. Stop any running instances of OMEGAMON® Data Broker.
  2. Stop any running instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect.
  3. Use your upgraded method to start OMEGAMON Data Broker.
  4. Use your upgraded method to start OMEGAMON Data Connect.
  5. Restart your OMEGAMON runtime environments.
  6. Check for expected messages.

In particular, check the following messages for the correct APAR number, OA64880, and the required Zowe version, 1.28.2 or later:

OMEGAMON Data Broker

In the SYSPRINT output data set of the Zowe cross-memory server job that runs OMEGAMON Data Broker (for example, job name ZWES*):




Zowe version


APAR number

OMEGAMON Data Connect

In the STDOUT file of OMEGAMON Data Connect:




APAR number

Well, you've survived the upgrade. Hopefully we'll be avoiding that in future releases. But the good news, you're now enabled for some exciting future enhancements. Stay tuned to these blogs to find out what they are and when they will be coming. In the mean time, should you need further information about OMEGAMON Data Provider, don't hesitate to check our Master Blog or leave a comment for us. 

