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Starter IMS and JVM Dashboards available for OMEGAMON Data Provider


We have introduced the IMS and JVM dashboards for OMEGAMON Data Provider.  A link to the changes is here. And with that comes a few other changes. We originally introduced the ODP dashboards as sample dashboards. The term “sample” scares some people away. Over time, you’ll see this transition to a starter set as they are useful, out of the box. You can try them out for their value and then decide if you’d like to enhance them or create new ones befitting your own business needs.
Here's a view of the one of the IMS Dashboards.
Here’s a view of one of the JVM dashboards.

Updated GitHub documentation and packaging

With the introduction of these new dashboards, we’ve updated the documentation and packaging available in GitHub as well.  Each agent’s starter set of dashboards is now available as a bundle. The documentation for each bundle includes the YAML information that was necessary to deliver the data to that specific set of dashboards and that comes in two forms. The KAYOPEN information, at a table level, to get the historical data streamed properly for those dashboards and the connect.yaml includes a sample of the tables and fields necessary to create those starter dashboards. It was felt that providing that information for the starter set dashboards will provide a good example for when you might try to build your own Kibana dashboards.

Customer experiences

We’ve got quite a few customers that are leveraging ODP for their businesses now. Most still in pilot phase but looking at the data they would like to see in an analytic environment. One insurance customer leverages Elastic for their non-z systems and has been able to connect ODP into that infrastructure.
A large bank got the Elastic starter set operational, but really wanted to get Prometheus and Grafana operational to improve the information about their DevOps environment. Their initial efforts have been successful and they anxiously await additional data to be sharable.
Another bank has taken the data and put it into Grafana where they are looking at their Rolling four hour average CPU time, with the goal to get alerts and warnings as they approach exceeding those limits.
There is no end to the possibilities of leveraging this data in creative ways! And if you'd like to see a few additional possibilities, jump over to this blog here. But finish reading this and register for the OMEGAMON tech summit below before you jump over there

More to come

The next functional APAR will deliver some significant new function, particularly valuable to very large customers and outsourcers managing multiple IT environments. I’ll save the details for an upcoming blog, but don’t hesitate to contact me directly for an early view of that.


We will host our second tech summit on June 8th and 9th. Our first summit, in September 2021, had over 1000 registrations and 600+ customers attend the two sessions. We introduced ODP in that session and delivered the initial release in November, with two functional APARs delivered since then.
In this summit, we’ll talk about the upcoming features of ODP, including interoperability with Instana, as well as another customer panel and sessions on OMEGAMON for Db2, CICS and MQ. Please join us by using the registration links below.

Please join us for this event, spread the word and promote on your socials.

We’ve lined up some of our top product leaders and IBM Champions to share their experience and learnings on IBM OMEGAMON for Db2, CICS and MQ with our customers. During this no-charge 3-hour event, we’ll have a technical exchange on IBM OMEGAMON family of products.

We’ll also be discussing the brand new Instana integration with OMEGAMON. Instana is an enterprise Application Performance Management solution, providing high levels of observability. It has several sources of z/OS data today. Due to its ability to summarize data so well, the addition of z/OS and z/OS subsystem data via OMEGAMON will be a welcome addition to the Instana offering.

 There are two event registration options to accommodate different time zones:  June 8 / 9am ET | 2pm (UK) June 8 / 3pm PT | June 9 / 8am (Sydney)

If you have any questions on the event, please email or 


I want to thank the current customers of ODP for their terrific collaboration. Your experiences have led to product and starter set dashboard changes, all for the improvement for all customers. This is quite a journey we are on to leverage data to improve how business is operated on this platform. Don’t hesitate to join us on this journey.

More information

As a reminder from past blogs, here are a collection of helpful links. Here


Wed June 01, 2022 03:14 PM

Great blog Jim!  I'm glad to see all the progress:
  • More content (IMS, JVM)
  • Transition from dashboard "samples" to "starter" -- I've found the provided dashboards to be great, as is, no need to by shy, calling them starters is appropriate!
  • Testimonials that customers are already leveraging ODP, and craving more value and content!!  Sweet!! 
Keep the great stuff coming!