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Announcing new release of IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS V5.6.0


On June 14, 2022 IBM announced new release for IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS 5.6.0 which delivers capability to support IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 6.1 and includes new workspaces showing CICS Transaction Program execution and performance.

The Program Tracking feature adds a powerful new diagnostic option to IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS making it easier to identify CICS programs that are causing performance problems. Previously, you could see resource usage data for all transactions in a CICS region, and all CICS programs installed in a region, but it was not possible to see a list of the programs used, by region and by task, with the resource usage for each program. Program Tracking lets you do this.

At the CICS region level, a new tab on the Program Summary panel allows you to see a list of all CICS programs that have been used in a region, with usage statistics for each, including CPU time (total and average used per invocation), number of abends, number of mode switches, and other useful metrics.

At the task level, you can view program usage from different perspectives:

  • Programs used by a given task
  • Tasks that have used a given program

Having a list of all CICS programs used by a task, with usage statistics for each program, helps you quickly identify programs that are using excessive system resources. A new tab called Programs, on the Task History Detail panel, displays the information shown in the screen below:

Task History Detail

You can also look at it the other way, by viewing all tasks that have used a given CICS program. The Task History Filters workspace now lets you specify the program name as one of the inclusion criteria in a Task History filter. Once you have done this, the CICSplex Task History panel will display only the tasks that have used that program:

CICS Task History Summary

Program Tracking helps you quickly identify poorly performing CICS programs and the transactions that use them.

IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS 5.6.0 includes several other significant enhancements:

  • Resource limiting resolution for CPU has been increased, to allow transaction limits to be set in millisecond increments. This lets you take action much sooner, to prevent tasks from impacting the region.
  • Finding resources within a group of regions is now much more intuitive. The new FIND command menu provides a drop-down list of resources to search for, together with related help for each resource type. FIND is now extended to CICS temporary storage and transient data queues.
  • New CICS policy statistics are available. For customers using policies within CICS to take actions on applications, IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS will now show statistics relating to the use of those policies.
  • CICS Transaction Gateway Memory statistics are now available. This allows users to monitor their CICS Transaction Gateway Daemon for problems related to memory usage.

For more information, see the IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS section in IBM Documentation: Link

Or watch some previously posted videos on getting started with OMEGAMON for CICS:

Getting Started with IBM OMEGAMON e3270UI
Organizing CICS regions into OMEGAMON monitoring CICSplexs
Using the CONTEXT Command to group regions into USERGRPs for viewing
Setting thresholds with OMEGAMON for CICS
