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News You Can Use! Considerations When Ordering IBM Z Distribution for Zowe™


Author's comment since this blog was first published: The screen captures below may display versions of offerings that are now out of date and will not appear in the current list of choices. It is generally recommended to choose the most recent version unless there are specific reasons to use a prior version. Note: it is best to confirm with the authors of any applications if they support the most current version of a runtime environment. They can be a lag between the release of a new runtime version and an application being tested on that version.

So, you’re interested in Zowe, but you are not sure how to get started. How about ordering the code – at no charge - to try out? Or maybe you need Zowe as a pre-requisite for another IBM product and you want an easy, secure way to obtain it? Or maybe you are developing an in-house Zowe application and want defect support for Zowe technology?  In this article we will share the options for obtaining Zowe code, discuss a few of the important Zowe use cases and advise you when Zowe Support from IBM is entitled, and when you may want to purchase defect support.

First familiarize yourself with the technology.
Zowe is made up of four software components that can be used individually or integrated together in different combinations. Two server components (the Application Framework (aka Desktop or Web UI) and the API Mediation Layer) are usually run-on z/OS. (We say “usually” because the Zowe z/OS components can run in containers on a variety of platforms but that is outside the scope of this article.) The other two components (Zowe Explorer and CLI) run on client environments (laptop/desktop or cloud). There is a wealth of documentation and videos available on zowe.org . IBM products that use Zowe are described here.

You have options on how to obtain the code - open community, vendor or combo.
IBM offers IBM Z Distribution for Zowe 1.0 and 2.0. (5698-ZWE and 5698-ZWG). The z/OS components of Zowe are available via Shopz. There is a new, streamlined Shopz ordering process for open source on z/OS, check out this article.

Once the z/OS components are installed be sure to stay currently with PTFs listed here. IBM Z Distribution for Zowe and PTFs are available for no charge. It is best to check back every 6-8 weeks for new PTFs since they are released at near the same time as the Zowe releases in the open community.  The Zowe client components are available from IBM here. Look for “Zowe Integrations” and select “Explorer” and/or “CLI” links. Notice that many of the IBM products ship Zowe integration software.

Also, Zowe binaries are available on zowe.org on the “downloads” page. This is called a “convenience build” since the Zowe community wants to do more than provide source code – we build it to be downloaded and ready for installation too. However, we at IBM recognize most customers want open source code from a trusted source which is a major reason for the IBM Z Distribution for Zowe that uses Shopz and IBM's Github. Downloading from zowe.org is a great way to get the software especially for education institutions or non-enterprise entities.

In addition to IBM and the Zowe open community, other vendors offer their own Zowe distributions and support. Vendors with Zowe distributions that are also members of the Zowe Support Provider Conformance Program commit to not altering the Zowe code built by the open community[1]. The code is the same within a Zowe release regardless of the supplying vendor. What may be different from vendor to vendor is the packaging format (SMP/E, PAX, PSWI[2], etc.), or additional software in the package such as vendor specific Zowe extensions and/or prerequisite runtime libraries. One consideration is whether you plan to seek Zowe support from a particular vendor. It may be best to obtain Zowe from the vendor you plan to obtain support, but members of the Zowe Support Provider Conformance Program have agreed to recognize each other’s Zowe distribution provided it is binary equivalent to their own. We have given the term “core Zowe” to the open source code we all distribute.

You should now see that one important factor you need to consider, it is your Zowe software acquisition process. The z/OS components can be obtained from the vendor of your choice or the Zowe open community. The client-side components could be obtained from the vendor too. However, also realize there can be a blended software acquisition process.  The Zowe open community utilizes open source and 3rd party repositories for Zowe client code that provide easy, automated installs (if your security policy allows their use). For example, Zowe’s VS Code extension (i.e., Zowe Explorer) can be obtained from Visual Studio Marketplace. Also, the Zowe CLI and optional extensions can be acquired from the npmjs registry . These two sites provide easy ways to install and maintain the Zowe client code if you are allowed to maintain the software on your own laptop/desktop system.

A few words about Zowe use cases - standalone or with vendor products. 
Zowe can be used in two ways. First, Zowe can be used “standalone” – meaning without any other IBM (or 3rd party) products other than the z/OS operating system and the REST APIs inherent in z/OS provided by the z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF).  Zowe provides out-of-the-box capabilities such as basic file and data set editing, view and manipulation of JES spool files, job submissions, console commands, web browser based 3270 or VT emulation, basic z/OS REST API management, etc. (All of the capabilities are managed by z/OS security policies.) For some consumers, Zowe standalone is enough for them. It delivers productivity gains and IT staff enjoy using the familiar interfaces of REST APIs, CLI, browsers and VS Code extension.  

Second, Zowe is an extensible software framework, and some IBM and 3rd party products provide integrations with Zowe using one or more of the Zowe components. For example, products that have REST APIs can import those API definitions into the API Mediation layer. Products can provide extensions to the Zowe CLI to allow scriptable text commands to be used with their particular product REST APIs. Other products have adopted the Zowe Application Framework for either their singular user interface or as an optional user interface.

This brings up an important point, some products require a Zowe component to function (like those using the Application Framework as the only available user interface) and other products optionally use one or more Zowe components. In these cases, Zowe code is not required but it enhances some aspect of the product. Big hint - the new Zowe Shopz ordering process tells you which IBM products require Zowe and for which it is optional.

When is Zowe Required or Optional with IBM Products? 
In most cases, IBM products should document – either in the announcement letter, documentation, or program directory – when Zowe technology is required, which Zowe component is required, when is Zowe optional and how to get the product's Zowe integration code. Often the Zowe integration code (REST API, CLI extension, etc.) is included in the IBM product deliverables but may also be hosted on one of the public code repositories mentioned above like npmjs or VS Code Marketplace.  

In the updated Shopz ordering process, two tables are provided and maintained (along with some additional information) on which IBM products require Zowe components and when Zowe components are optional. At the time of this article, the following information is current but please use the Shopz pages for the most up-to-date information – watch for any updates on the Shopz ordering pages.

For Which IBM Products is Zowe Required.

When is Zowe Optional.

And What About IBM Z Distribution for Zowe Support Entitlement?
As we have described, Zowe can be obtain in a variety of ways. IBM Z Distribution for Zowe from Shopz is no-charge including software updates. Zowe client side code is also available from IBM. There are some key points to consider with regards to support of the Zowe software. (Support in this context meaning contacting IBM for Zowe component defect support and/or IBM products that integrate with Zowe.)

Downloading IBM Z Distribution for Zowe for "standalone" use does not entitle the consumer of the code to IBM defect support. IBM offers defect support for standalone Zowe for a fee. The new Shopz ordering process provides a way to request fee support.  In all cases however, support (both usage and defect support of Zowe core components) can be obtained from the Zowe open community on a best-effort basis. The Zowe community helps via Open Mainframe Project slack channels or raising Zowe github issues. Learn more at zowe.org.

When IBM products claim integration with Zowe, and you have purchased IBM support for those products, IBM support for the Zowe components used with the product is entitled. You should contact the support team for the product to obtain assistance to diagnose the problem.  Note - IBM product teams do not claim support for any and all open source that is downloadable. It is best to confirm with IBM product support team their support policy.

Summing Up.
Zowe consists of four core technologies. These can be obtained from zowe.org and popular open source repositories. IBM offers IBM Z Distribution for Zowe at no charge and can be obtained from IBM Shopz software ordering and fulfillment site with a new streamlined process. Some IBM products require one of more Zowe components, others it is optional. IBM defect support for Zowe is either through the IBM products that integrate with Zowe or – in the case of Zowe standalone use – can be purchased for a fee. Shopz lists those IBM products that require Zowe and provides a process to obtain fee support if you choose.

IBM and the Zowe open community are working to make z/OS use easier in a variety of ways, improve integrations on the platform and with cloud environments plus make z/OS more accessible to everyone. We hope you will give Zowe a try, get involved in the Zowe open community and help expand the adoption of Zowe to grow z/OS usage. Zowe is not just software – it is a community and a movement!


 Zowe™ is a trademark of the Linux Foundation.

[1] There can be exception cases if/when emergency fixes are needed in the process of providing support to a consumer of Zowe.

[2] Portable SoftWare Instance (PSWI) is a newer software package format for z/OS.