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What’s new in IBM z/OS Debugger V14.2.3

z/OS Debugger delivers new features again in V14.2.3! In addition to many fixes (11 APARs between host and client), this release boasts the following new features:

CICS support

Support is added to z/OS Debugger for CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Version 5 Release 6.

Compiler support

As in v14.1.10, Debug Tool compatibility mode, now supports TEST(SEPARATE(DSNAME),SOURCE) for Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 6 Release 2. Use TEST(SEPARATE(DSNAME),SOURCE) to store the separate debug file name, which is the SYSDEBUG DD data set name, in the program object. You will only need to specify the separate debug file location if its moved after compilation. See also COBOL APAR PH04485 for enablement of TEST(SEPARATE(DSNAME)) and Choosing TEST or NOTEST compiler suboptions for COBOL programs.

Eclipse debug profiles

The Eclipse debug profile user interface continues to evolve. In v14.2.3, we've incorporated feedback from sponsored users and provided the following enhancements:

Import and export

Easily share profiles between users using the import and export buttons in the view. Additionally, you can use the import feature to migrate DTCN and DTSP profiles or Remote CICS Application, Remote IMS Application, and Remote DB2 Application launch configurations from workspaces created in prior releases. See Exporting and importing profiles for more information.


A search field now appears at the top of the z/OS Debugger Profiles view and helps you find the profile you want. Simply type a search string and the view will filter all the profiles so that only the matching ones appear. Bonus: the column with text that matches appears in bold. Remove the text or click on the eraser at the right of the search field to reset the view.


You asked and we listened! z/OS Debugger Profiles view now supports configurable columns. Use the Manage Columns button to show or hide a column, change a column's width or change the column order. The button also gives you access to showing the following non-default columns:
    • Load Module/Compile Unit
    • Transaction
    • User ID
    • Net Name
    • IP
    • Terminal ID
    • Job Name
    • Step Name
    • IMS Subsystem ID
See Configuring columns for details.
All the default and new columns support tri-state sorting: click once for ascending, twice for descending and a third time to return the view to the default sort order. The sort order is indicated via a small arrow at the top of a column.

Code coverage support for non-CICS profiles

z/OS Debugger now supports activating non-CICS profiles for code coverage. This features requires both the v14.2.3 Eclipse client UI and host APAR PH23106. With these two updates and the simple TEST runtime option, you can now activate a non-CICS profile in code coverage mode, switch between debug, code coverage, or inactivate the profile, without having to modify your JCL. See my blog Using a non-CICS debug profile to collect code coverage.

Secured daemon connections

If the z/OS connection you are using does not have Debug Manager running, and you are using the Debug Daemon with a secured port, when you activate a profile, the secured port is now automatically detected. See our updated instructions on Configuring Debug Damon Preferences and Enabling secure communication between z/OS Debugger and the remote debugger for incoming debug sessions.

z/OS Batch Applications Launches

Both the z/OS Batch Application with existing JCL and z/OS Batch Application using property groups launch now provide a link from the Debug view to the job that was generated via the Remote Systems view. To view the job, click on the job debug target, and select Show in Remote Systems:

In addition, z/OS Batch Application with existing JCL now supports selecting more than one step for debug or code coverage.

Read more about Launching a debug session for z/OS batch applications and see my blog on Debugging and collecting code coverage on multiple steps with the z/OS Batch Application with existing JCL launch configuration.

Visual Studio Code

You may be wondering... whats with all the "Eclipse client" throughout this blog?
That's because z/OS Debugger now supports remote debug in a new IDE: Visual Studio Code!
z/OS Debugger offers Z Open Debug with IDz EE. Z Open Debug includes two extensions:

    • Z Open Debug – Profile View: adds debug profile support to VS Code. Create, delete, activate and inactivate a debug profile directly from Visual Studio Code. Read more about VS Code Profile view.

Documentation updates
z/OS Debugger has numerous documentation updates, and here are some of the key changes: