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Using a non-CICS debug profile to collect code coverage

z/OS Debugger v14.2.3 enables support for collecting code coverage using debug profiles. For this feature, you will need the v14.2.3 client and host PTF, and you will also need to have a system configured with the Debug Profile Service.

Adding the simple TEST runtime option

To begin with, I have some JCL that includes three steps:

JCL with three steps

When I use a profile to trigger z/OS Debugger, I don't need to worry about a complicated TEST runtime option, I can use the simple TEST runtime option:

JCL after inserting the simple TEST runtime option

What I like about the simple TEST runtime option is that now I never need to modify my JCL again. If there is a non-CICS debug profile active, that is what will trigger z/OS Debugger. If no debug profile is active, the debugger is not triggered, and my JCL runs as it would normally. I won't need to ever edit my JCL to change my IP address, like when I use TCPIP with the TEST runtime option and I won't need to update the JCL to switch between debug and code coverage.

Creating the non-CICS profile

Now that I have updated the JCL, all I need to do is to create a non-CICS profile that describes when my code coverage session should start.

    • First I click on the Create non-CICS profile button in the z/OS Debugger Profiles view:z/OS Dbeugger Profiles view new button
                   The Debug Profile Editor is then opened.

    • Since this is a non-CICS profile, I need to specify at least one module to trigger the debugger. In this example, even though my JCL contains multiple steps, I only want the debugger to produce code coverage for TBND009 (ie the first step), so I add that to the profile:Debug Profile Editor with TBND009 added to the module list

Activating for code coverage

I have specified the needed values in my profile, so all I need to do is click on the Save and Activate for Code Coverage button:
The Save and Activate for Code Coverage button in Debug Profile Editor
Now I can submit my JCL and wait for the result. When the module I specified in my profile is detected by z/OS Debugger, the code coverage session starts, and the result appears in the Code Coverage Results view:
Code Coverage Results view with result
and is automatically opened in the code coverage results viewer:
Code Coverage Result Viewer

Specifying multiple modules

In my JCL, only STEPA invoked the module TBND009. Suppose I wanted to collect code coverage for more than one module, say BTCD003 from STEPC as well. All I need to do, is to add that module to the list in my profile, and click on the Save and Activate for Code Coverage button:
Two modules specified in Debug Profile Editor
But to make it even more interesting, let's try to collect code coverage for all the steps in my JCL. The easiest way to do this would be to use the * wildcard:
Wildcard for modules in Debug Profile Editor
I click on Save and Activate for Code Coverage, and wait for the results. Since each step triggers z/OS Debugger separately, I end up with three code coverage results:
Code Coverage Results view with three new results

Merging code coverage results

I have decided that I want one result instead of three, and to do that I will merge the results from the Code Coverage Results view. I select the three results, right-click for the context menu and select Export:
Export menu action in the Code Coverage Results view
I leave the default settings, and ensure that for Add location to Code Coverage Results view is checked:
Code Coverage Export dialog
I click on Finish, the new location is added to the view, and I can see the merged result:
Exported result location in the Code Coverage Results view
Double-clicking opens the result, and I can now see the merged results in the result viewer:
Merged Code Coverage Result