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ASSETUID out of sync with MaxSequence

  • 1.  ASSETUID out of sync with MaxSequence

    Posted 5 days ago
    Edited by Sankar Ganesh V S 5 days ago

    Hello all,

    • Recenly we faced an issue in Asset application for some of the records, where the dialog boxes won't close onclick of OK button.
    • Then we found out, those assets have unique identifier much greater and notSync with the ASSETUID sequence. We updated the assetuid values via SQL then the issue was resolved.  (Now, able to close dialogs) Related thread
    • But the issue is occuring for some of new assets created via Mobile.

    My question is:

    Is there a specific property/configuration for Asset Mobile application that generate these unique IDs?

    Please let me know from your experiences or suggest IBM documents to refer?

    Appreciate your response!


    Sankar Ganesh V S
    Maximo Consultant
    DXC Technology