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Watsonx.data developer edition Macbook installation: Unable to start ibm-lh-presto container

  • 1.  Watsonx.data developer edition Macbook installation: Unable to start ibm-lh-presto container

    Posted 15 days ago
      |   view attached
    As per title, I have just followed the following instructions to install the latest developer version 2.0.
    However, when running the following command:
    I received an error. The logs are as attached. It is trying to access htpasswd file /mnt/infra/lhauth/users.htpasswd which it claims does not exist.
    Would anyone in this forum be able to assist? I attached the log files found in ibm-lh-dev/localstorage/logs
    Thanks in advance!


    Jeff Lee


    start.log   24 KB 1 version