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Creating a watsonx application, Q&A, analysis and prediction.

  • 1.  Creating a watsonx application, Q&A, analysis and prediction.

    Posted Fri March 08, 2024 11:00 PM

    Hello all,

    I am looking for some assistance. I want to create an application using watsonx that will answer a users questions, generate summaries and generate predictions based on data we have added. I have done some reading and completed some watsonx credentials on Your Learning but I am still unsure on some things. The reading and labs have helped me understand what individual tools are, but I am not seeing how to tie tools together, or which tools I will actually need. 

    I was under the impression that I would not need to use watsonx assistant as we will be adding a lot of data, but after the RAG webinar this week I am not so sure. 

    Has anyone here created something like this and could give me a better understanding of exactly what tools should be used and how they are tied together? Or can someone narrow down which docs would be most helpful? The data I want to use is in an nc format, but I can convert it to csv if needed. 

    From looking at some diagrams I think I am aiming for something similar to this.

    In short, some questions I have are:
    1. Which set of tools should I use to create the app?
    2. Where is the best place to store my data for RAG, watsonx.data or discovery?
    3. How my model can connect to a front end?

    Aidan Graham