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Rhapsody 9: Recommended way to associate an image to a profile stereotype

  • 1.  Rhapsody 9: Recommended way to associate an image to a profile stereotype

    Posted Wed April 13, 2022 06:23 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:47 AM
    I am working on a custom profile, in which for certain stereotypes an associated image file must be specified (in order to be shown, for example, on an object model diagram).
    So far, i used to set the property General::Graphics::AssociatedImageFile to a path relative to the profile's sbsx. That worked in Rhapsody 8.4.

    Moving to Rhapsody 9, this doesn't seem to work any more: basically, it can't find the image on the filesystem.
    The weird thing is that the relative path in that form still works for other graphical properties, such as Model::Stereotype::BrowserGroupIcon and Model::Stereotype::BrowserIcon.

    I have found a way to make it work again, by setting the image file as a controlled file of the stereotype.
    Now i'm wondering: is this solution ok, or is there a recommended way to do that?


    Francesco Benacci