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Performing the Quick Start labs

  • 1.  Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 16 days ago


    Until recently you could perform the Quick Start labs on the Environments at but now it seems as if you must be part of the Partner Plus program to be able to use the techzone evironments. 

    The Partner Plus stuff does not make any sense for me and my organization. We just want to be able to learn about using the Jazz platform! All the AI/Sustainability nonsense is just really frustrating when trying to direct my fellow engineers to use the excellent course materials already available in the Quick Start Labs.

    Where are you supposed to learn about using the Jazz platform now?

    Markus Nordstrand

  • 2.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 15 days ago

    Greetings, I was reading over your frustration and felt to jump in this thread real quick for a response.

    True. After Ai gains more traction, a lot of our learning becomes obsolete.  Sometimes I imagine how many people are looking at Python right now, wondering if it's still worth teaching.

    Even App commercials are boasting AI generating code for customers who are curious enough to test it. No experience needed for a lot of those.  In other words, sometimes the things we love and give us comfort are phased out. So there's empathy.

    I feel Partner Plus is worth it.  


    Nike Noor
    Nike Noor LLC

  • 3.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 15 days ago

    You are missing the point, I am not criticizing the fact that AI will replace old technology. I am criticizing IBM's decision to make the trainings available for the Jazz platform no longer accessible by their customers via their own training portal.

    • As a user of the Jazz platform I have been able to use IBM's environments to learn about the tools on it by performing the Quick Start labs. My fellow engineers have also successfully used this to learn the basics.
    • Now we can no longer do this can since IBM has decided to only make this feature available to Partner Plus organzations.
    • Partner Plus is not intended for customers, it is intended for IBM partners.

    So now I can no longer use those trainings to onboard new colleagues, which is a major issue when our engineers have become reliant on it.

    Markus Nordstrand

  • 4.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 15 days ago

    I'm missing the point? Instead of working this out with Admin, you decided to trash talk about it in an open forum because you don't feel like paying for the service. Makes you look like someone who needs to wrangle up negative support to feel justified.

    Jazz is good, but if you're truly an engineer maybe consider other options for onboarding your team if you can't replicate the experience. You're complaining because you don't want to spend money for the training you're providing to others. Which in my view, looks more like a business partnership than a normal customer relationship.

    This isn't Facebook, X, or Instagram, where the people vent and argue over services. This is a professional forum. Please keep it this way.

    Nike Noor
    Nike Noor LLC

  • 5.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 14 days ago

    Shots fired! 

    If you want to keep it professional you should really try to answer my question instead of lecturing me and projecting your feelings:

    Where are you supposed to learn about using the Jazz platform now?

    Partner Plus is for partners (Sodius Willert, MicroGenesis, 321Gang etc) as I understand it, not for customers.

    Where are customers supposed to learn what we have been able to learn directly in IBM's trainings for the last 5 years?

    Markus Nordstrand

  • 6.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 14 days ago

    Partner-Plus in my view is for all sizes. Large Companies and small ones. Doesn't require much, just payment for the service. 

    Since Jazz is older, there's a lot of YouTube tutorials available online for you. I felt that even without Partner-Plus, there's still a way you can train your engineers. Deep down, beyond all perspectives or personal opinions, I hope you may create something that will benefit you.

    Youtube has plenty of tutorials.  Some are older, some may require translation.
    I wish you luck.

    Partner Plus | IBM

    Ibm remove preview
    Partner Plus | IBM
    IBM Partner Plus partnership earns you access to technology solutions and resources from IBM teams, along with incentives and support to start innovating from day one.
    View this on Ibm >

    Nike Noor
    Nike Noor LLC

  • 7.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 10 days ago


    It appears to me that Marcus is asking a reasonable question. He is a customer. It may also be that some material available to partners isn't ideal for customers.



    What sort of information are you looking for? There is some information available to customers without cost. As Nike said there is quite a bit on youtube etc and to some extent on but it can be hard to find what you want.

    There is also some free training here: Click in the "Search all learning paths and collections" box and type Engineering.

    You can also purchase a Learning Subscription and get to more courses. You can see what is available here: 

    (search by Engineering again)

    And then of course yes you can sign up as a partner and that gives you access to other things.


    Mark McLaughlin

  • 8.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 10 days ago
    Edited by Markus Nordstrand 10 days ago

    I want my fellow engineers to be able to perform the Quick Starts for instance these: 

    1. Course - Quick Starts: IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Quick Tour
    2. Course - Quick Starts: IBM Global Configuration Management
    3. Course - Getting Started with IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management and JIRA
    4. Course - Quick Starts: IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS and ELM
    5. Course - Quick Starts: Jazz Reporting Services Report Builder for Engineering
    6. Course - Quick Starts: IBM Engineering Test Management
    7. Course - Quick Starts: IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody Model Manager
    8. Course - Quick Starts: IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody
    9. Course - Quick Starts: IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody for Model Based Systems Engineering

    The "free trainings" you are referring to are these.

    The problem is that you cannot book an environment on IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Quick Starts Workshop to perform them since that feature of the page has been removed, unless you are a Partner Plus member.

    This has just recently happened without any info in the trainings or to me as a customer. All of a sudden it's just not possible.

    We have been able to use these quick starts to onboard new engineers for the past 5 years and all of a sudden we can't. Of course we can develop our own onboarding curricula and of course you can find all kinds of information and trainings elsewhere, but that's beside the point.

    The point is that we have become accustomed to use these quick starts on our learning and all of a sudden we can't, it feels like IBM is actively hindering us from learning to use their tools.

    This is how it looks when you are prompted to reserve an environment:

    And this is the response I got for why it is no longer visible:

    Markus Nordstrand

  • 9.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 10 days ago
    Edited by Nike Noor 10 days ago

    Awesome. 😊 So the education is still there for you. That's good news.
    All you're missing is a way to create and book environments it seems. You must have missed the email sent out to those specific customers. It was a six month adjustment, but that still doesn't solve your environment problem. 

    Here's a media clip explaining what happened, hope you have a great week:

    IBM Partner Plus Program Replaces PartnerWorld

    Partner Plus is Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM's replacement for its PartnerWorld program, a name used since at least 2004, back when resellers were classified as members, advanced or premier partners.

    PartnerWorld itself has undergone multiple redesigns over the years, including in 2020, when IBM added more partner tracks.

    The new program builds upon IBM's October announcement about free, expanded access to employee-level training for partners.

    Since that announcement, the company has seen more than 15,000 partner enrollments in sales and technical badges, according to IBM.

    IBM's revamped partner portal allows partners to interact with IBM employees through a dashboard, track their progress through IBM's badging and education system and track their deals and sales, she said.

    The portal has already introduced partners to more than 7,000 potential deals valued at more than $500 million worldwide, according to the company.

    Nike Noor
    Nike Noor LLC

  • 10.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    IBM Champion
    Posted 9 days ago
    Edited by Martin Stockl 9 days ago


    thanks for that information. 

    I may still not have fully understood the purpose, even being member of the Partner Plus Program. 
    My understanding so far was, that the Partner Plus Program is open to IBM Partners only. 

    We recommended the above mentioned Quick Start Labs for evaluation and learning purpose to our customers as well. 
    The main reason is, these VMs contain a ready to use ELM environment, including the prepared scenarios to run the provided getting started tutorials.
    Some of the tutorials even contain partner material. Setting them up locally requires a rather complex environment and several days of work.

    Now my questions:
    - Are end customers now eligible to join the IBM Partner Plus Program? 
    - Or shall IBM Partners provision these images by request and then forward the access to these to the end customers? 
    - Or is the current scenario a kind of (intermediate) collateral damage (Free Quick Starts are hosted on a payable environment for Partners)?

    I may have missed that communication as well.

    P.S. Looks like provisioning has to be done either via IBM or an IBM Plus Partner (not confirmed yet).

    [Martin] [Stockl]
    Embedded Real-Time Systems Modeling Specialist]
    [SodiusWillert Germany]

  • 11.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 9 days ago
    Edited by Nike Noor 9 days ago

    You're right Martin, Partner Plus is for partners only now. Since he was using IBM to help with his onboarding and training, it was recommended for him to get the service for his company. I totally missed the point in my initial response.

    Times are changing.

    Technology is changing.

    From my understanding, partner plus took over partnerworld. During the merge some options were closed for cybersecurity while others got an update for product efficiency. 

    If he's been using IBM for his company training for as long as he says, I feel his goals are doable. To continue using the supplemental free links. Maybe have Ai help write code to mimic a suitable environment for his team. I hope it can be done.

    If this is how he’s been training for the past five years, it can be frustrating to change overnight. I empathize with him.

    😊 I truly can't fix this one. Hope you can. Cheers 

    Nike Noor
    Nike Noor LLC

  • 12.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    IBM Champion
    Posted 5 days ago
    Edited by Martin Stockl 5 days ago

    Hi Markus,

    after several discussions with some IBMers, the current situation looks like that:
    - the mentioned Quick Start Labs are still for free, and they are targeting both ELM/Rhapsody evaluations and customers,
    - the Quick Start Labs require ELM/Rhapsody installations and application data, which is based on environments hosted on,
    - these environments cannot be booked by customers any longer, as you already noticed,
    - on the other hand customers cannot join the Partner Plus Program to become eligible to do that.

    It looks like a deadlock, but fortunately it is not. But it get's some more cumbersome.

    IBMers and Partner Plus Program Members to the rescue 

    You have to get in touch either with an IBMer or a member of Partner Plus via your sales channel, and ideally talk to a technical sales person, experienced with the techzone environments. 
    They can book an environment for you, or your team members and forward the access to it.

    However there are two limitations with that:
    - any IBMer or Partner Plus Program member can book a maximum of 2 training environments at a time, regardless whether they use the environment(s) themselves, or whether they provide access to one of their customers,
    - a training environment still expires after 2 days, if it is not extended by another 2 days before expiration,
    - an extension can be done maximally twice (so 6 days in total), but only by the person who booked it,
    - user data in deleted environments will be lost - same as it was before. 

    So this requires a tight communication and alignment between customer and IBMer or IBM partner.
    There is no automation for this currently, it requires availability and handling on both sides.

    Hope this helps,

    [Martin] [Stockl]
    [SodiusWillert Germany]
    Embedded Real-Time Systems Modeling Specialist]

  • 13.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 3 days ago

    Thanks Martin, this is indeed frustrating and cumbersome but thanks for the tip. I can't understand why IBM decided to make it so much harder for customers to learn their ELM platform. It seems like it is being "forgotten" and drowns in all other kinds of offers that IBM has.

    Markus Nordstrand

  • 14.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    IBM Champion
    Posted 10 hours ago
    Edited by Martin Stockl 10 hours ago

    @Markus Nordstrand I believe, that this was not the plan. 
    I assume, that this kind of collateral damage is not yet visible to the team, which was driving the change.
    @Gray Bachelor are you aware about the problem, which customers have, trying to use the lab contents?

    [Martin] [Stockl]
    [SodiusWillert Germany]
    Embedded Real-Time Systems Modeling Specialist]

  • 15.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 10 days ago

    @Markus Nordstrand - have you tried using the trails on ( )?

    Brian Lahaie
    San Diego CA

  • 16.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 9 days ago

    No I haven't, thanks for the tip!

    I checked it out now and it is similar to what exists in the Quick Starts but it is missing:

    • Global Configuration Management
    • Rhapsody (it is only web-based, so thick tools like Rhapsody does not seem to be in scope).
    • Integration to JIRA

    Markus Nordstrand

  • 17.  RE: Performing the Quick Start labs

    Posted 9 days ago
    Edited by Nike Noor 9 days ago

    Markus, I've been reading about the Partner-world switch to partner-plus more in depth.
    I would have been frustrated too. 

    I offer you a cup of coffee. 

    I hope you can still train your team. Setting up an environment might be doable with Ai assistance.

    In other words, I have empathy over your situation. Apologies for not looking into this more. I wish you much luck with everything 

    Nike Noor
    Nike Noor LLC