Engineering Requirements Management

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  • 1.  DOORS Export to Word Intermittently Omits Attribute Values

    Posted Wed January 24, 2024 05:12 PM

    I am finding that the built-in export to Word functionality intermittently omits object attribute values from the export.

    I am using the File > Export > Microsoft Office > Word menu option.

    It's not repeatable. Each time I export the same DOORS formal module, a different subset of object attribute values are omitted. It is usually just a few that are omitted, and it does not ever seem to be an entire object that is omitted -- just random attribute values.

    I am currently trying to export to Word in a book layout. The formal module has four object attributes in the view, and there are only around 100 objects in the formal module. So, it's a pretty small export compared to what I would usually need to do. 

    Here is my setup:

    • IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Client version
    • Microsoft Word for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2302 Build 16.0.16130.20848) 64-bit 
    • Microsoft Windows 10 Pro, Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045

    Is anybody else experiencing this problem? Is there a known fix?

    The only thing I can find online that might be related is this question on StackOverflow that suggests it might be an issue with the clipboard in Windows 10:

    I tried the suggested fix of turning off the clipboard history, but that did not fix the issue for me.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Jeremy Dalby

  • 2.  RE: DOORS Export to Word Intermittently Omits Attribute Values

    Posted Thu January 25, 2024 10:34 AM

    Hi Jeremy,

    have you used the clipboard during the export time or was any other application accessing the clipboard?

    That might be the reason that content gets lost.

    If you still have issues you could use other solutions that to not use the clipboard like requisis_DoX:



    Nikolai Stein

  • 3.  RE: DOORS Export to Word Intermittently Omits Attribute Values

    Posted Fri January 26, 2024 01:23 PM

    Hi Nikolai,

    I am closing all of the applications on my computer when I perform the export and I am not touching the keyboard or mouse while it is running. However, I am suspicious that some other process that is not under my control (e.g., a cyber security application) is affecting the clipboard. The IT department at my company maintains a lot of control over our computers, so I don't know exactly what is running in the background. For sure, what I like to call the "IT virus" has infected all the computers in the office. :) 

    I am going to look into requisis_DoX as soon as the IT department has deemed it not to be a cyber security risk and allows me to install it, though it is less than ideal to have to pay for a 3rd party application to do something that is supposed to be built-in functionality of DOORS. 

    Thanks for your help.


    Jeremy Dalby