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IBM stands up an IBM ELM ASPICE best-practice cloud environment for automotive industry

By Michael Halder posted Mon July 29, 2019 03:20 PM


IBM developed IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (IBM ELM) to help manage the complexity of engineering smart, connected products. Currently, there are few products more complicated than the automobile. With more than 100 million lines of code, the automobile can now be described as an enormous computer on wheels.

IBM ELM offers applications for the management of requirements, workflow, model-based engineering, testing and reporting. It’s the most complete suite of tools for systems engineering available, and is a preferred choice among many engineering companies. Currently, we are developing an end-to-end IBM ELM automotive engineering solution to simplify compliance with standards like ASPICE and ISO-26262.

Additionally, IBM is working with ClearObject to establish IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM), a cloud-based engineering and best-practice environment specialized for the automotive industry. Because it’s available as software as a service (SaaS), organizations can participate and evaluate the developed concepts without dedicating their own IT resources.

The best-practice environment under development is being made available in the upcoming weeks as a closed beta. If you are interested in how IBM ELM is best used in an automotive context considering ASPICE base practices, visit the following link. You’ll  learn about the closed beta program and be able to register your interest.

Learn how automotive enterprise initiatives can benefit from IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management managed by ClearObject on IBM Cloud environment. Contact your IBM representative for more information.

