Tape Storage

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  • 1.  LTFS partition change from index to data

    Posted 17 days ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I am trying to Jump from One partition to another partition in LTFS but when i am using commands ( ltfsck -c X:) it is showing me error 

    Cannot open device: failed backend open call.

    If anyone would like to guide me through it or any help anything would be appreciated.

    kindly guide me the way to change the partition from index to data because i am unable to find anything .


    sher cheeta

  • 2.  RE: LTFS partition change from index to data

    IBM Champion
    Posted 16 days ago


    would you please give us some details like software and it's version?

    operating system looks like windows - you can also check https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-archive-sde/

    Nezih Boyacioglu

  • 3.  RE: LTFS partition change from index to data

    Posted 16 days ago


    Yes it is window 10 pro, actually i am trying to use command prompt's functionality to set the partition 0&1 but unable to jump from one partition to another so i was thinking about it is there any command or so which i can use to jump from one partition to another.


    sher cheeta

  • 4.  RE: LTFS partition change from index to data

    IBM Champion
    Posted 15 days ago

    i don't know why you are trying to access partitions - did you check the ltfsck command syntax and parameters? there is no feature like switch to index partition :)

    first of all I'm not sure about the usage of X: on your command because it's not the device name, it's just assigned drive letter. check the parameters of ltfsck https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/storage-archive-sde/2.4.6?topic=ltfsck-checking-media-by-using-command 

    Nezih Boyacioglu

  • 5.  RE: LTFS partition change from index to data

    Posted 15 days ago


    So i have installed IBM Spectrum Archive Single Drive Edition Version format version 2.4.0 on a Windows 10 machine. 

    so whenever i am trying to run any commands of ltfs on cmd it gave me an error that is  : ''ltfs'' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    and when i try to run ltfsck command it shows error LTFS12012E Cannot open device: failed backend call.

    this is the cause i am trying to find the root cause of it because when i use IBM ITDT tool it is able to change the partition of LTO , i was trying to do the same using command line or If you help me with anything else like an API or anything to set/ change the partition of tape would be appreciated. I do believe i am clear from my end if anything else just let me know.


    sher cheeta