Tape Storage

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  • 1.  Help Needed - HSM managed tapes not in TTOC ?

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 03:29 PM

    According to my former manager, who has since retired, the tapes that have EDMID=HSM (seen in TMS inquiry) are the HSM managed tapes. However, when I run a TTOC on any of our LPARs many of the tapes do not show up on the TTOC list. They are mostly, if not all, HSM backup tapes/datasets and do have EDMID = HSM.
    Can you tell me why they do not show up on the list, and if there is a different HSM command I can use to get a list of these tapes and any alternate volume?

    We are trying to get all our physical silo tapes copied to VTS and many will not work, so I am especially interested in any copy that might exist.

    JCL used for TTOC:
    //* TTOC REPORT                         
    //SYSTSPRT DD  SYSOUT=*                 
    //SYSTSIN  DD  *                        

    Thanks for any help!          

    Nancy Davis

  • 2.  RE: Help Needed - HSM managed tapes not in TTOC ?

    Posted Mon March 06, 2023 09:57 AM

    Hello Nancy,
    can you pls try something like these:

    //BCK#PART EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,COND=(0,NE)                            
    //SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                                            
    //SYSTSPRT DD   SYSOUT=*                                            
    //OUT      DD SYSOUT=*                                              
    //SYSTSIN  DD   *                                                   
    These cmds show  PART tapes, but you can use BOTH and FULL.
    Many thx, Antonio Cecilio. 


  • 3.  RE: Help Needed - HSM managed tapes not in TTOC ?

    Posted Tue March 14, 2023 03:18 PM

    Thank you, Antonio. I will give this a try.


    Nancy Davis

  • 4.  RE: Help Needed - HSM managed tapes not in TTOC ?

    Posted Mon March 06, 2023 01:23 PM


    First off, I assume all the systems in the plex are sharing the same HSM CDS's and the same TMC data base.  If so the list commands should be showing the same information across all systems.

    An HSM command

    LIST TTOC SELECT(BOTH) NODSI ODS('some.out.dsname')

    Should return back all the volumes HSM knows of that are backup or ML2, there is a field in the output that would indicate an alternate volume, the alternate volume does not show anywhere else.  If you were ever using TAPECOPY or DUPLEX tape function in HSM you would have alternate volumes.  Another possibility is they could be dump volumes, if you ever used FULL VOLUME DUMPS in HSM. 

    There is also an HSM command

    LIST DUMPVOLUME ODS('some'out.dsname')

    Should return the dump volumes if you have any.

    One way to find out would be to list in CA some of these EDMID=HSM tapes that don't show up in HSM, what are the data set names.  All these data set names would indicate what type of HSM tape it is/was.  Something I don't know would be if CA1 would ever record a tape as and HSM tape if for some reason HSM couldn't open it or abended, so some of these tapes could be old.

    You could also issue HSM command

    LIST VOLUME(volser) BOTH ODS('some'out'dsname')

    For some of the volumes not showing up and see if HSM has any volume information from the MCDS/BCDS for these volumes.


    Max Smith 

    DFSMS Development

    Max Smith
    z/OS DFSMS Development, Master Inventor, STSM
    Tucson AZ

  • 5.  RE: Help Needed - HSM managed tapes not in TTOC ?

    Posted Tue March 14, 2023 03:21 PM

    Thank you, Max, for all the information.


    Nancy Davis