IBM Security Z Security

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  • 1.  System Date and Time

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 08:48 AM

    Is there a field or function that we can acquire the current system date and time via Carla.     We want to compare the system date/time with a value that is located in an input file and make a determination on time lapsed.

    Linnea Sullivan

  • 2.  RE: System Date and Time

    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 09:20 AM

    Have a look at TYPE=RUN field DATETIME; that gives the local date and time for the system CKRCARLA is running on.

    Hans Schoone
    Chief Architect zSecure

  • 3.  RE: System Date and Time

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu March 28, 2024 10:26 AM

    As Hans stated, DATETIME in TYPE=RUN shows information of about the job that is currently running. 

    DATETIME in RUN_DD has information about the individual input data sets, e.g., if you select TYPE=CKFREEZE you can see when CKFCOLL was run for each of your input data sets.

    Rob van Hoboken