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  • 1.  Multiple SUBTITLE's ?

    Posted Thu February 22, 2024 11:01 AM

    Hello - i have not been able to find a way to do this. I have a need for multiple SUBTITLES. I do not want 1 contiguous subtitle but separate lines. In this example, only subtitle 2 is shown. Is there a way to get more (sub)title lines ? thanks ! 

    n type=smf tt="zSecure Admin+Audit for RACF resource events", 
        st="subtitle 1" ,                                         
        st="subtitle 2"                                           

    Joseph Sumi

  • 2.  RE: Multiple SUBTITLE's ?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 22, 2024 05:02 PM
    Edited by Rob van Hoboken Fri February 23, 2024 04:40 AM

    There is room for 1 toptitle, 1 title and 1 subtitle.  No more than that.

    I have seen customers write a newlist with several LIST statements at the top of the report file, to provide guidance for the report in lieu of subtitles.

    newlist type=system outlim=1
      sortlist ,
      "The report on the following pages should be taken as a warning.",
    / "Take action as needed, call for more information."

    Rob van Hoboken

  • 3.  RE: Multiple SUBTITLE's ?

    Posted Thu February 22, 2024 05:42 PM

    OK, thanks. I will work with those 3. Appreciate your help. Joe

    Joseph Sumi

  • 4.  RE: Multiple SUBTITLE's ?

    Posted Fri February 23, 2024 05:41 AM

    In between TOPTITLE (abbreviation tt=) and SUBTITLE (abbreviation st=) there is a TITLE (abbreviation t=) ... maybe that is enough for your purpose?

    Hans Schoone
    Chief Architect zSecure
    IBM - zSecure architect