IBM Security Verify

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Hi, is there a way to display a 404/403 page error from ISV once the token exchange fail?

  • 1.  Hi, is there a way to display a 404/403 page error from ISV once the token exchange fail?

    Posted Wed April 17, 2024 01:05 PM

    Hi, is there a way to display a 404/403 page error from ISV once the token exchange fail? for example a user with IBM Id successfully login but not authorized to access an instance, we are using passport.authenticate with OAuth2Strategy OIDC endpoints and it would thrown an Error when token exchange fail, in that case can we redirect to a page in ISV? something like

    We are using SPA and would like to keep all the pages secure but that also meant if it's un-authorized user we can't show them a 404 page as we would need to send over .js/.css/html, etc when the browser asked for it. 

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    Annie Nguyen