Below is the HMC API that provides Power Supplies and Fans related information along with Status of each of these devices.
And the response of ManagedSystem that shows PowerSupply and Fans details Looks something like this:
<PowerSupplies ksv="V1_5_1" kxe="false" kb="ROO" schemaVersion="V1_0">
<PowerSupply schemaVersion="V1_0">
<LocationCode ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">U78CA.001.CSS03DJ-E1</LocationCode>
<FruNumber ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false"> 00RR362</FruNumber>
<SerialNumber ksv="V1_5_1" kxe="false" kb="ROO">YL10KF51M027</SerialNumber>
<State ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">StandbyOffline</State>
<Health ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">Warning</Health>
<Description ksv="V1_5_2" kb="ROO" kxe="false">Modular PowerSupply</Description>
<MemberId ksv="V1_5_2" kxe="false" kb="ROO">1000</MemberId>
<PowerSupply schemaVersion="V1_0">
<LocationCode ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">U78CA.001.CSS03DJ-E2</LocationCode>
<FruNumber ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false"> 00RR362</FruNumber>
<SerialNumber ksv="V1_5_1" kxe="false" kb="ROO">YL10KF51M052</SerialNumber>
<State ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">StandbyOffline</State>
<Health ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">Warning</Health>
<Description ksv="V1_5_2" kb="ROO" kxe="false">Modular PowerSupply</Description>
<MemberId ksv="V1_5_2" kxe="false" kb="ROO">1001</MemberId>
<FANs ksv="V1_5_1" kxe="false" kb="ROO" schemaVersion="V1_0">
<FAN schemaVersion="V1_0">
<LocationCode ksv="V1_5_1" kxe="false" kb="ROO">U78CA.001.CSS03DJ-A1</LocationCode>
<FruNumber ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">00E9335</FruNumber>
<SerialNumber ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">YL1424GDPUML</SerialNumber>
<State ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">StandbyOffline</State>
<Health ksv="V1_5_1" kb="ROO" kxe="false">Warning</Health>
<Description ksv="V1_5_2" kxe="false" kb="ROO"/>
<MemberId ksv="V1_5_2" kxe="false" kb="ROO">2104</MemberId>
Sridevi Joshi
Original Message:
Sent: Wed December 08, 2021 08:41 AM
From: Mark Nellemann
Subject: Where to find power supply status, hardware sensor data?
Hi Hariganesh,
I am curious about the hwinventory query parameter.
I can't find any references to this in the REST api documentation.
Can you provide me with links or more details?
Best regards,
Mark Nellemann
Original Message:
Sent: Tue December 07, 2021 09:22 AM
Subject: Where to find power supply status, hardware sensor data?
Hi Russel,
Fan and Power Supply status is available via the API mentioned above with hwinventory query parameter.
Energy Metrics covers Power and Thermal metrics on supported systems (not supported on High-end Power Systems currently).
Can you please let us know on what additional information you are looking for ?
Hariganesh Muralidharan
Cognitive Systems Management Architecture
Original Message:
Sent: Mon December 06, 2021 09:17 AM
From: Russell Adams
Subject: Where to find power supply status, hardware sensor data?
I wanted to note that this is still unsolved. While it's nice that the HMC BMC may offer IPMI information, and there may be limited sensor data available from a REST API, I still have no functional way to check the health of the power supplies and the line status of my POWER systems. Ideally an AIX command would be nice.
Russell Adams
Original Message:
Sent: Fri November 12, 2021 09:20 AM
From: Russell Adams
Subject: Where to find power supply status, hardware sensor data?
I've asked this before in other places, but the topic came up again today. Where can I find the current power supply status, line in status, CPU temp, fan speed, and other sensor data common to a high end system?
The HMC does a great job of notifying when a power leg is lost, calling home, setting alarm led, etc. However there's no way to tell when it's fixed.
Back in AIX 4 we could use uesensor to get limited information, but that's no longer supported.
machstat gives very poor information for rc.powerfail, so that's terribly incomplete.
Where else can we look for this information?
Russell Adams