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  • 1.  VIOS upgrade does not preserve config filesj

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon March 04, 2024 04:54 AM
    Edited by Tommi Sihvo Mon March 04, 2024 04:54 AM


    Following Jaqui's great guide on VIOS3.1 > 4.1 migration:


    I have defined the files to be preserved:

    cat  /home/padmin/filestosave.txt

    ...and the migration itself goes just perfectly fine...butttt...the all the config files are wiped to default ones. 

    Actually I cannot even login as padmin, since ssh-keys are gone, and prompt complains that "Password expired too long" (Eventhough I actually changed it before starting the migration)

    Anyone having any idea for root cause of this behaviour? Or is it by design (e.g should the  original config files be restored somehow manually after the migration) ?



    Tommi Sihvo, Lead Service Architect
    Tietoevry, Compute Services
    email tommi.sihvo@tietoevry.com mobile +358 (0)40 5180 Finland

  • 2.  RE: VIOS upgrade does not preserve config filesj

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 02:39 AM
    Edited by Artur Studzian Tue March 05, 2024 02:41 AM

    Hi Tommi,


    And be careful with the /etc/group restore 

    "With VIOS 4.1 and the new PostgresDB v15, some permission were changed, and now we need a group with id 202 called db_users to run it
    We do not have this new group in the /etc/group that we have on the VIOS running 4.1and for this reason CMDB is getting permission issues while starting

    [8782274    29-Feb-2024 16:15:03] dba_cm.c            create_db_env_CM             @   437 : Creating CM DB
    [8782274    29-Feb-2024 16:15:03] dba_db.c              vdba_popen                   @   618 : Incoming cmd='su - vpgadmin -c "export LIBPATH=/usr/ios/db/postgres15/lib; /usr/ios/db/postgres15/bin/pg_ctl status -D /home/ios/CM/DB"'
    [8782274    29-Feb-2024 16:15:03] violibCommon.c      vioLocalPOpen                @  2146 : ERROR: FINISH cmd: su - vpgadmin -c "export LIBPATH=/usr/ios/db/postgres15/lib; /usr/ios/db/postgres15/bin/pg_ctl status -D /home/ios/CM/DB" status = 126
    [8782274    29-Feb-2024 16:15:03] dba_db.c              vdba_popen                   @   631 : ERR OUT: ksh: /usr/ios/db/postgres15/bin/pg_ctl: 0403-006 Execute permission denied.

    Have you copied the old /etc/group during the move to VIOS 4.1?

    To recover, next step is to recreate the group (no side effect on the running LPARs)
    $ oem_setup_env
    # stopsrc -s vio_daemon
    # mkgroup -'A' id='202' users='vpgadmin,padmin' db_users
    # startsrc -s vio_daemon -a "-d 4"
    # kill -1 vio_daemon's PID

    This should be enough to properly start the DB.
    Please wait few minutes, then retry the query that was failing"

    Artur Studzian

  • 3.  RE: VIOS upgrade does not preserve config filesj

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 02:55 AM


    Super :) Many Thanks Artur!



    Tommi Sihvo, Lead Service Architect
    Tietoevry, Compute Services
    email tommi.sihvo@tietoevry.com mobile +358 (0)40 5180 Finland

  • 4.  RE: VIOS upgrade does not preserve config filesj

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 03:26 AM

    Regarding ssh keys, add them into your postupgrade script.


    mkdir -p /home/padmin/.ssh

    chown padmin:system /home/padmin/.ssh

    chmod 0700 /home/padmin/.ssh

    echo 'my-key' >/home/padmin/.ssh/authorized_keys

    chown padmin:staff /home/padmin/.ssh/authorized_keys

    chmod 0600 /home/padmin/.ssh/authorized_keys

    or create another user with the PAdmin role. Because I have ansible user with PAdmin role, I could login as ansible user and then execute /usr/ios/cli/ioscli oem_setup_env to get into root environment and check the configuration ;-)

    Andrey Klyachkin


  • 5.  RE: VIOS upgrade does not preserve config filesj

    Posted Tue March 12, 2024 04:10 AM


    Oh, do you use ansible on VIOS with oem_setup_env?  Du you use it with other ansible modules than shell / cmd?

    I'm asking the other day we had to change nameserver and ntp settings.  Which was easily possible using an ansible template, but was more difficult on VIOS due to limitations of the padmin user, and we didn't found a way to call oem_setup_env for the them.

    Our solution then was to deploying ssh keys to the root acount, and hope we don't have to do many other changes, as that's not how we would like to do it :(

    Best regards,


    Alexander Reichle-Schmehl

  • 6.  RE: VIOS upgrade does not preserve config filesj

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 12, 2024 05:54 AM

    Hi Alexander,

    yes, I use Ansible with VIOS. You can watch my videos on Youtube, read my articles on LinkedIn or on Substack. I also did presentations how to use Ansible with VIOS at IBM TechXchange 2023 in Las Vegas, at IBM TechXchange EMEA 2024 in Barcelona and at GSE IBM Power working group in Germany last year. I may be wrong because the agenda is not yet published but maybe I will give the updated presentation at Common Europe Congress 2024 in Milan, Italy.

    I would suggest that you start a new discussion in "Automation with Power" community and we can discuss problems automating VIOS there.

    Andrey Klyachkin


  • 7.  RE: VIOS upgrade does not preserve config filesj

    Posted Sat March 09, 2024 08:32 AM

    Hi Tommi,

    Regarding your config files migration.... there are two options to bring them to new VIOS version. Specifying that list of files with "-g" option, will copy them to "/home/padmin/backup_files" path and user needs to use that copy to merge with the current system files that are present in respective paths. This is the best practice for all system related files. Specifying both "-g" option and "-F forcecopy", will copy the given list of files to the respective paths on the new VIOS version. This option is good for user files, but not for system files.

    You may find the below caution information in documentation: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/power10/9105-22B?topic=ic-viosupgrade-command

    • The forcecopy option is applicable only with the -g flag.
    • Do not use the forcecopy option for copying system-level files.
    • The -g flag, without the -F forcecopy option, copies the backup files to the /home/padmin/backup_files directory in the newvg volume group. You must merge the contents of the backup files from the /home/padmin/backup_files directory to the corresponding directories in the newvg volume group.


    Regarding "padmin" password expiry, it is a known issue as the security policy on 'password age' is changed in VIOS 4.1 version.
    Please reach out to Support Team for an ifix.


  • 8.  RE: VIOS upgrade does not preserve config filesj

    IBM Champion
    Posted Sat March 09, 2024 10:44 AM


    Many Thanks Rupesh for clarifications! Now I know how to proceed with these. :)



    Tommi Sihvo, Lead Service Architect
    Tietoevry, Compute Services
    email tommi.sihvo@tietoevry.com mobile +358 (0)40 5180 Finland