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Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

  • 1.  Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    Posted Wed February 01, 2023 08:31 AM
    Hi everyone,
    I need to upgrade 50 IBMi LPAR and I would like to use images in the Virtual Media Repository.
    I've used this technique successfully in the past to create from scratch a fresh new instance of an IBMi LPAR.
    Before proceeding with this technique I'd like to be sure that's possible to use this technique to upgrade an existing one.
    With the image catalog, I usually use the command:


    With the Virtual Media Repository i need to specify the alternate restart device in the HMC profile,
    but i think this procedure will erase all the existing info in the LPAR and create a complete new instance.

    Have you any experience on this kind of situation?

    thank you for your replies..

    Eng. Paolo Nervi.

    Paolo Nervi
    IBMi Technical Leader

  • 2.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 02, 2023 02:33 AM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Thu February 02, 2023 03:37 AM
    Dear Paolo

    >>>> With the Virtual Media Repository i need to specify the alternate restart device in the HMC profile,  but i think this procedure will erase all the existing info in the LPAR and create a complete new instance. <<<<

    I never did IBM i release upgrade from VIOS Virtual Media Repository before but I'm fairly sure the process of OS release upgrade within IBM i itself does not change, except that you use a different command to restart the LPAR if you use NFS for the media files which is not the case here.

    After you configure and see a virtual optical drive from VIOS in IBM i LPAR, what you do next is to set the LPAR IPL Mode from "Normal" to "Manual" and change IPL source from the typical "B" to "D".  Then I think you need to set the Alternate IPL tagging to the new virtual adapter of VIOS virtual optical drive (I think it's a virtual SCSI adapter). All these are done from HMC.

    Then proceed to IPL IBM i LPAR from the target LIC image in the virtual optical drive with the command PWRDWNSYS that you provided. Then you will see from IBM i console session Dedicated Service Tool menu from which you start the release upgrade.  With this procedure, no existing data is deleted nor a new LPAR instance is created whatsoever.

    Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.

    Albert Einstein.
    Satid S.

  • 3.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 02, 2023 03:55 AM
    Edited by Bartlomiej Grabowski Thu February 02, 2023 03:56 AM
    Hi Paolo,

    I've never used used Virtual Media Repository for the OS upgrade for one reason. You have to unload/load via VIOS command loadopt (or via GUI) different  "DVD media". Which is very annoying during the upgrade.
    Proceeding from IMGCLG you don't have this problem.

    If I would have to do upgrade for 50 LPARs I recommend to prepare network installation files, and proceed with the upgrade thru NFS.  You can prepare two remote catalogues. One for the OS installation media, and the second with PTFs which need to applied right after the upgrade. In such scenario you can run multiple upgrades simultaneously, just make sure the network won't be overloaded when multiple LPARs will be downloading the images.

    Bart G

    Bartlomiej Grabowski

  • 4.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    Posted Thu February 02, 2023 04:29 AM
    Hi Satid and Bart,
    thank you very much for your replies.

    I'll try both the solutions you suggested to me.
    I'll try the NFS technique for all the LPARs that are reachable through IP and Virtual Media Repository for the others.
    I will post the result as soon as I'll have the results.
    Thank you again to both of you.

    Greetings from Italy.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Eng. Paolo Nervi
    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Paolo Nervi
    IBMi Technical Leader

  • 5.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 02, 2023 05:29 AM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Thu February 02, 2023 07:32 PM
    Dear Paolo

    These 3 IBM Technotes and IBM i manual should be useful for you:

    - Required PTFs for Upgrading to IBM i 7.4

    - Upgrade Using NFS Remote Virtual Image Catalog

    - PTFs: Utilizing Remote Virtual Image Catalog 

    - Chapter 7 or 8 and 9 of this manual : IBM i and related software Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM i and related software

    >>>>  I'll try the NFS technique for all the LPARs that are reachable through IP and Virtual Media Repository for the others. <<<<

    Does the server has a LAN adapter that supports SR-IOV?  If so, you can be sure all LPARs can have LAN connection (not all at once, perhaps).

    Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think. Albert Einstein.
    Satid S.

  • 6.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    Posted Thu February 02, 2023 07:03 AM
    Hello Paolo,
    As long you are following the upgrade procedures  https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/i/7.4?topic=software-checklist-i-upgrade-replacement-readiness there is no risks of erasing anything, whether you use image catalog , Virtual Media Repository, physical media or other.
    I would use a D normal IPL.I only think that using Virtual Media Repository there will be no automatic passage from one image to the next but you' ll get the message asking to put the next one and have to do it manually.

    Pino Sinapsi srl

    Pino Mariotto

  • 7.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    Posted Fri February 03, 2023 06:07 AM
    Hi Pino,
    thank you very much for returning to me.
    I'm sure that there will be no automatic change from one volume to the next one when you are using Virtual Media Repository.
    I'll try next week and I'll post the results here.
    Thank you all for your super useful replies.

    Best regards,

    Paolo Nervi
    IBMi Technical Leader

  • 8.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    Posted Tue February 07, 2023 07:10 AM
    Hello everyone.
    I have tried to upgrade the first LPAR using Virtual Media Repository but unfortunately with NO success.
    Here are the steps I've taken.
    1. I checked to have the V7R4 BASE LIC Resave K mounted in the Virtual Media Repository
    V7R4 Base LIC Resave K
    2. I've checked to have the correct tagged I/O: 
    Load Source :  Fiber Channel with the Load source Disk of the V7R3
    Alternate Restart Device : The SCSI13 used to reach the Virtual Media Repository.
    Tagged I_O
    3. I have shut down the LPAR.

    4. I have powered up the LPAR in Manual and B:
    Manual and B

    4. I've chosen the option 2.
    Option 2 - OS Install

    5. I've chosen option 6 Optical Container (I suppose this could be the Virtual Media Repository..)
    6 Optical Container
    6. I have followed the usual screen... as for example the Language:
    7. The system start to IPL the Licensed Internal Code
    IPL of the LIC
    8. Then it starts the installation of the Operating System
    Installation OS
    9. Installation Phases:
    Installation Phases
    10. It arrive at sign on Screen:
    Signon Screen
    11. IPL Option:
    11- IPL Option
    12. Installation completion
    Installation Completion
    13 Check release with GO LICPGM option 10 F11
    So we stick at V7R3...

    I was thinking that the source was not the Virtual Media Repository.
    In fact, the system takes the info from the Tape STxxx that was mounted in VTL.
    I have tried a second time without the tape mounted and I received the following message...
    No OS correct version
    May you please help me find the right way to update an LPAR using Virtual Media Repository..?

    thank you very much for the time you dedicate answering to my question.

    Cheers from Italy.


    Paolo Nervi
    IBMi Technical Leader

  • 9.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    Posted Tue February 07, 2023 11:12 AM
    Hi everyone,
    may be i've found the error in my steps.
    In the first attempt  I specified Manual and D but it does not work.
    Manual and DI think that I had set wrong some other parameters.
    Now I have tried again with manual and D and it works fine.
    I'll add some pictures asap.

    Thank you.

    Paolo Nervi
    IBMi Technical Leader

  • 10.  RE: Upgrade IBMi v7R3 to V7R4 from Virtual Media Repository

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed February 08, 2023 04:52 AM
    Edited by Satid Singkorapoom Wed February 08, 2023 05:14 AM
    Dear Paolo

    >>>> In the first attempt I specified Manual and D but it does not work. <<<<

    Perhaps, while your V7R3 LPAR is still up, you should run WRKCFGSTS *DEV  OPT* and make sure you see the virtual SCSI optical drive from VIOS is in Varied On status before you IPL from it. If it is in Varied Off status, you make sure you can vary it on before IPLing the LPAR because if it fails to vary on, then you know something is not right and take rectification action. Or if it happens to take a longer time than usual to finish varying on. then you can expect that the next IPL from it can take long. This may happen if VIOS serves more than one active LPAR at the same time.   

    While you IPL the LPAR, it is useful to keep monitoring IPL SRC code of that LPAR from HMC screen to see if the IPL SRC steps get stuck at a certain SRC code for too long.  You use this IPL SRC Finder to identify what the troublesome IPL SRC step is at :  https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/i/7.4?topic=problems-ipl-src-finder. Knowing this can help you analyze the situation or at least use the specific SRC to ask the question.

    Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think. -- Albert Einstein.
    Satid S.