There are also Best Practice updates for Power10 to specific topics
AIX Performance Quick Start:
Power10 I/O:
IBM Db2, IBM i:
AIX with Oracle Database on IBM Power Systems Considerations for Performance and Stability - All Releases 09-28-2022
For SAP, I believe there is an SAP Note on Power10 if you use/have access to that.
Original Message:
Sent: Tue June 20, 2023 08:51 AM
From: Pete Heyrman
Subject: IBM Power Virtualization Best Practices Guide
As Nigel indicated, the virtualization is pretty much the same across different generations of Power processors but if there is a specific performance topic that anyone believes is missing, we would be happy to add that information to the Virtualization Best Practice Guide. In addition to the Best Practice Guide we also like to write blog post in this community and the performance topics always seem to receive lots of views.
Pete Heyrman
Original Message:
Sent: Tue June 20, 2023 06:12 AM
From: Nigel Griffiths
Subject: IBM Power Virtualization Best Practices Guide
From a quick tour through the document, there is nothing I can see that would change this document on Virtualisation.
The Power10 chips are:
- faster, with stronger threads so SMT=8 have thread 5 to 8 each doing more work,
- there is MMA,
- faster memory and
- NVMe internal drives
There are newer versions of AIX, IBMi, systems firmware, HMC and VIOS but the Virtualisation model is unchanged.
Nigel Griffiths
Original Message:
Sent: Mon June 19, 2023 04:45 AM
From: Edelgard Schittko
Subject: IBM Power Virtualization Best Practices Guide
Is there an Update available for "IBM Power Virtualization Best Practice Guide" covering IBM Power10 ? Current latest version is from March 2020 about POWER9, . Thanks for your help. Kind regards Edelgard Johanna
Edelgard Schittko