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  • 1.  Apache 2.4.55 - dependency hell

    Posted Thu March 09, 2023 08:49 AM

    For certain installations that do not allow servers to reach out and access the outside world directly and do not have a local repo = When installing certain rpms that go into dependency hell ( endless and circular dependencies - Apache 2.4.55 for instance). Is there a way to download a whole bundle including all dependencies. Just curious

    william buffington

  • 2.  RE: Apache 2.4.55 - dependency hell

    Posted Fri March 10, 2023 11:44 AM

    Hi William, 
    I think you have answered your own question = local repo.
    Then install on your AIX, dnf using the single file dnf Bundle tar file (it includes all the dependencies :-)
    Point your dnf to the repository and you get dependency heaven.

    Start here https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6585774

    Nigel Griffiths

  • 3.  RE: Apache 2.4.55 - dependency hell

    Posted Thu March 30, 2023 10:29 AM

    Thanks that helped very much.  I think we are almost there, if we can resolve a couple of more things

    william buffington