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  • 1.  Native HA functionality on Openshift

    Posted 11 days ago


    I downloaded MQ Advanced container from "" registry and trying to deploy Native HA cluster on Openshift (without CP4I). I'm getting an error:

    Error 93 creating queue manager: AMQ5708E: Native HA is unavailable.

    I looked at a similar thread, but I didn't understand several things:

    1. How License annotations can affect the way the container runs on Openshift? I don't think it has any permissions to read it's own metadata from API.
    2. Do I have to deploy licensing operator ? I followed the instruction and it runs on Openshift, but it doesn't look like it's doing something.
    3. Do I have to build my own image to use Natie HA and prebuilt images do not have this functionality?

    Thank you in advance.

    Alexander Lavrov

  • 2.  RE: Native HA functionality on Openshift

    IBM Champion
    Posted 10 days ago


    Don't know all the bits and pieces as we have never used Openshift to run Native HA, but I have assumed that license annotations are there only for the license metric server/container/something to track that your licensing info is up-to-date. Doesn't affect to the container. 

    Using Native HA with prebuilt images should be possible, have you used the operator to configure the Native HA

    At the end, you should have the following environment variables populated in the running container in order the Native HA setup to work:

    • name: MQ_NATIVE_HA
        value: "true"
        value: <instance 1 name>
        value: <instance 1 address and port>
        value: <instance 2 name>
        value: <instance 2 address and port>
        value: <instance 3 name>
        value: <instance 3 address and port>

    Hope this helps.

    Hermanni Pernaa

  • 3.  RE: Native HA functionality on Openshift

    Posted 8 days ago


    You will need more resources in Openshift to run Native HA (pvc, config maps, secrets, replica set).

    I recommend you to use the Helm Chart

    There is an example of running the chart in OpenShift.

    Andres Colodrero