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How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

  • 1.  How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Wed November 24, 2021 06:25 PM
    I used PGP support pack for IBM Integration Bus V9 and also V10. I am doing a POC to migrate IIBV10 to IBM ACE v12. 
    PGP link for IIB V9 and V10 : GitHub - dipakpal/MyOpenTech-PGP-SupportPac: PGP SupportPac for IBM Integration Bus
    I did the backup of Node and extract components on IBM ACE v12. All the integrations server and flows were up and running fine. 
    When looked at the PGP support pack for IBM ACE V12 I couldn't find any. Has anyone faced this issue and how to overcome . 

    Any information or suggestions would be a great help 

    Lokesh Bonthula

  • 2.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Tue November 30, 2021 10:11 AM
    The setup for v10 should work just fine in v12.  You stated that the flows are running fine of v12.  Did you see any problems with PGP after the upgrade?


  • 3.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Wed February 23, 2022 11:59 AM

    I does not work. We got NoSuchMethodException error message after upgrade from evaluate() method of PGPEncryptionNode at row 163 .

    Row 163: (

    ConfigurableService[] configurableServices = b.getConfigurableServices("UserDefined");

    ConfigurableService does not exist in ACE v12. We would use Policy instead of ConfigurableService. Do you have any suggestion how we can solve this issue?

    István Márton

  • 4.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Wed February 23, 2022 01:20 PM
    As you correctly summarised, configurable services have been replaced my policies from V11 and so the getConfigurableServices calls will need to be replaced.
    You will need to update the Java code to use MbPolicy.getPolicy instead of the IntegrationAPI/brokerProxy/getConfigurableServices calls that it's using now.
    There are UserDefined policies in V11/12 so these would seem to be an appropriate thing to replace the previous user defined configurable service.

    David Coles
    App Connect Developer

  • 5.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 24, 2022 01:00 PM
    I've created a fork and will see to do policy changes. Keep an eye on the repo for changes.

    Matthias Blomme

  • 6.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Tue March 01, 2022 11:07 AM
    Edited by István Márton Tue March 01, 2022 01:21 PM
    I couldn't remove this post, that's why I remove its content.

  • 7.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Wed March 16, 2022 05:09 PM

    I did try to convert from Configurable services to Policies. but still not working...

    does anybody implement successfully?

    Juan Reforme

  • 8.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Mon March 21, 2022 07:15 AM
    Hi Lokesh

    I have tried simplifying the runtime jar files for encryption and decryption without using configurable services and policies for V11 a year back and it should work for V12 as well. Uploaded the library here and it is mostly self-explanatory.

    Try it out and let me know for any qeries.


    Kishore V R K

  • 9.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed March 30, 2022 06:00 AM
    Hi Kishore

    Then you don't really need the policies, but you are still using the code that calls the policies. Inside the runtime jar there is java code that call the BrokerProxy.

    I have imported your supplied jar file and library, but I still get the issue Istvan also has:

    2230E: ( NodeV11.TEST ) Error detected whilst processing a message in node 'pgp.PGPEncrypter1.PGP Encrypter'. [30/03/2022 11:59:28]
    4367E: ( NodeV11.TEST ) The method ''evaluate'' in Java node ''PGPEncrypter1.PGP Encrypter'' has thrown the following exception: '< method:evaluate source:Message Encryption Failed! key:JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC message: Unable to resolve message: Source: Message Encryption Failed!Key: JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC >'. [30/03/2022 11:59:28]
    4394E: ( NodeV11.TEST ) Java exception: ''''; thrown from class name: '''', method name: ''evaluate'', file: '''', line: '588'; trace text: ''JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC''; resource bundle: ''Message Encryption Failed!''; key: ''JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC''; inserts(optional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

    I've run it on ACE and ACE


    Matthias Blomme

  • 10.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed March 30, 2022 08:22 AM
    Hi Kishore

    After updating the bc jar files your solution also works.
    My version has been rewritten to also drop the BrokerProxy but still use policies.
    Yours is also a viable solution if somebody doesn't want to to use policies anymore.


    Matthias Blomme

  • 11.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Wed March 30, 2022 08:38 AM
    Hi Matthias,

    That's Great ! Thanks for validating it. Hope it helps. It worked me last year for a client requirement for both encryption and decryption.

    Haven't got time to look at the exception you got before. Please let me know for any suggestions to improve the solution.


    Kishore V R K Sr Technical Architect

  • 12.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Tue October 04, 2022 09:18 AM

    Hello Kishore,
    I'm doing a PoC for using PGP encryption/decryption for the first time but I can't make it work. 
    I have tried both Matthias Blomme suggestion using Policies and your without Policies. None of them is working for me because when using the version with Policy I have this error:

    < method:evaluate source:Message Encryption Failed! key:\ (The system cannot find the path specified.) >

    And when using your solution (without policies) I am not sure that I have the right jar files (the one modified by Matthias for not using Policies).
    Could you please tell me which git repository should I use to clone for this solution?


    Antonio Cerrato

  • 13.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Mon March 21, 2022 07:25 AM

    We are trying to use Matthias Blomme's new version, I had to rebuild it in Java8 and sign it as ACE12 needs jars signed. We are stuck with this because we get this kind of error message after signing with a CAPKI certificate:

    BIP4394E: Java exception: ''; thrown from class name: '', method name: 'evaluate', file: '', line: '532'; trace text: 'JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC';  resource bundle: 'Message Encryption Failed!'; key: 'JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC'; inserts(optional): '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}', '{16}', '{17}'

    István Márton

  • 14.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Tue March 29, 2022 02:24 PM
    Hi Istvan

    Which JRE are you using? I did tried with JRE 9 and 10...

    Thank you

    Juan Reforme

  • 15.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed March 30, 2022 05:10 AM
    How did you sign the jar? Is the signer cert and signer chain in your truststore?
    On the other hand BC might stand for BouncyCastle so look at following URL
    Don't mind that it says java-swing just translate to java-application...

    Francois Brandelik

  • 16.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed March 30, 2022 08:21 AM
    Hi Francois.

    You put me on the right track and your were 100% correct that BC stands for BouncyCastle.
    I updated the jar files to newer ones from here:
    The plugin jars don't need to be signed, just the verification of the bc*.jar files was failing.

    Replaced them in my runtime and it works!
    I've also added the jar file on my github project


    Matthias Blomme

  • 17.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Fri April 01, 2022 09:07 AM

    Hi Mattias.

    We are using your version and followed the readme about the Policies.
    Create the policy and deploy.
    But appear this message:

    Unable to resolve message: Source: Message Encryption Failed!Key: PGP Policy not found

    We used different ways as copy the folder Policy on C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\components\IntegreationNode\servers\ServerName\overrides\POLICY_FOLDER.

    Obviously the policy not found but was created and referenced on PGP node, Exist some command to relate the policy?

    Elizabeth Zarate

  • 18.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri April 01, 2022 09:17 AM
    Hi Elizabeth

    Are you using the default policy project? If not have you specified the policy project?

    Matthias Blomme

  • 19.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Fri April 01, 2022 10:54 AM
    Edited by Juan Reforme Fri April 01, 2022 11:02 AM

    HI all

    The error from ACE12 is:
    < class:JNI method:ImbOutputTemplateNode::processMessageAssemblyToFailure source:BIPmsgs key:2230 >

    The Libs I am using is from Matt's version:

    The path where I set the libs are:

    C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\server\jplugin




    Java Version on ACE12 Console
    C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\>java -version
    java version "1.8.0_301"

    Java version on Windows Command Prompt
    C:\Users\user>java -version
    java version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18 LTS
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 17.0.2+8-LTS-86)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.2+8-LTS-86, mixed mode, sharing)

    I don't know how to change the Java version on the ACE12 Console.

    Also these error comes if I try to use the "java pgpkeytool encrypt" script:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\>java pgpkeytool encrypt -sr C:/PGP/KeyRepository/Recipient/private.pgp -pr C:/PGP/KeyRepository/Recipient/public.pgp -r "" -c AES_256 -z ZIP -o true -i true C:/PGP/Data/Example-1/mqsibackout/test.txt
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.KeyFingerPrintCalculator
    at pgpkeytool.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.KeyFingerPrintCalculator
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassHelper(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    ... 3 more

    Not sure what I am missing...

    Thank you!

    Juan Reforme

  • 20.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Fri April 01, 2022 11:20 AM

    Hi Julian,

    when we put both bcprov-ext-jdk15to18-170.jar and bcprov-jdk15to18-170.jar into lib folder, we got another error message (java.lang.LinkageException as I remember). We threw bcprov-jdk15to18-170.jar and the flow worked well.

    István Márton

  • 21.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Mon April 04, 2022 05:47 PM

    Hi all

    I made it works using Matt's version using bcpg-jdk15on-154.jar and bcprov-ext-jdk15on-154.jar via Console but, using Toolkit the error is:
    < class:JNI method:ImbOutputTemplateNode::processMessageAssemblyToFailure source:BIPmsgs key:2230 >

    Thank you

    Juan Reforme

  • 22.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Fri April 01, 2022 11:45 AM
    Hi Mattias, Thanks for your answer.

    The policy issue was solved with the Java version 17 pointing on toolkit but appear another:

    < class:JNI method:ImbOutputTemplateNode::processMessageAssemblyToFailure source:BIPmsgs key:2230 >

    Elizabeth Zarate

  • 23.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 05, 2022 12:55 AM
    Juan, Elizabeth

    You are both getting this error doing what in the toolkit?
    How do I reproduce that error?

    Matthias Blomme

  • 24.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Tue April 05, 2022 05:39 PM

    Hi Matt

    Toolkit debugger errorHere is the debugger image with the error. 

    The error is "< class:JNI method:ImbOutputTemplateNode::processMessageAssemblyToFailure source:BIPmsgs key:2230 >"

    What Java's version are you using?

    Thank you very much

    Juan Reforme

  • 25.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 14, 2022 08:44 AM
    Hi Juan and Elizabeth

    I don't have that issue. I installed from scratch, put the jars in the proper location and debugged my test flow.

    No issues on my end. I just run ACE with the default settings provided by the installation.

    Matthias Blomme

  • 26.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Mon April 18, 2022 07:53 PM
    Edited by Elizabeth Zarate Mon April 18, 2022 07:53 PM

    Hi Matthias.

    Thanks for the answered and I appreciate the time that you took to test.

    I will do it with the same version as you, hope it works too.
    As note, the reported issue happened with version.

    Elizabeth Zarate

  • 27.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Thu April 07, 2022 04:44 PM
    Hi Matthias, 

    Thank you for sharing the link to the jars file. I was doing a POC of migration the code from IIBV10 to ACE12.0.2. I had few flows which were using PGP Encryption and Decryption.
    After migrating I see all the configurable services automatically turned to polices on Integration servers. 
    Once I put the PGPSupportPac_1.0.0.1.jar file in "C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\tools\plugins" and open the ACE toolkit i can see the PGP folder in the palette.
    Once I put the  bcpg-jdk15on-164.jar, bcprov-ext-jdk15on-164.jar, files in "C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\shared-classes"  see the error marks on the Decryption and encryption nodes cleared. 
    I also see the node.conf.yaml in overrides folder of node having the lilpath : "C:\IBM\lilpath" where I pasted the three jars files.
    I also gave the location of the three jars files in Classpath and Path.
    Now when I try to start the flow I run into issues saying it could find the .jar files. Here is the exception. 

    BIP2241E: A Loadable Implementation Library (.lil, .jar, or .par) is not found for message flow node type 'PGPDecrypterNode' in message flow 'EPDS_SFTP_Flow'.
    The integration node received an instruction to create a message flow node of type 'PGPDecrypterNode', in message flow 'EPDS_SFTP_Flow'. The integration node cannot create nodes of this type because an implementation library for this node type does not exist in the LIL path.
    Ensure that the LIL path is correct, and that it contains all the required node implementation libraries, including those supplied by IBM. The node name is case sensitive, therefore check that the toolkit and runtime names match. If the integration node is trying to create a node type that ends in 'NodeNode', ensure that when the node was registered with the toolkit the name registered did not end in 'Node'.
    Also ensure that you have saved the message flow, and any nested message flows. Redeploy the new configuration to the integration node, specifying a complete configuration. If the LIL file is correct, check that the message node type is correct.

    Have you encountered any issues similar to this. Could you suggest what I am missing .

    Lokesh Bonthula

  • 28.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu April 14, 2022 08:20 AM
    Edited by Matthias Blomme Fri April 15, 2022 08:14 AM
    Hi Lokesh

    For starters, my version is not PGPSupportPac_1.0.0.1.jar. That version still contains references to configurable services. My updated version is here:
    Also read the readme there, none of the jars should end up in the shared-classes directory and there are different jars for the toolkit and the runtime

    Runtime: If you have a configured the node to use a dedicated lilPath, copy the files from .\lib to that directory. Else copy the contents from .\lib to %MQSI_BASE_FILEPATH%\server\jplugin for windows or to $MQSI_BASE_FILEPATH/server/jplugin for linux
    Toolkit: Copy the contents from ./plugins to %MQSI_BASE_FILEPATH%\tools\plugins for windows or to $MQSI_BASE_FILEPATH/tools/plugins for linux

    Matthias Blomme

  • 29.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Mon May 16, 2022 12:42 PM
    As I was encountering the same exception "A Loadable Implementation Library (.lil, .jar, or .par) is not found for message flow node type 'com_ibm_broker_supportpac_pgp_PGPEncrypterNode' in message flow" following the same steps. As per Matthias advice I tried on my local system downloading the ACE developer edition and followed the same steps.

    C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\server\jplugin
    • bcpg-jdk15to18-170.jar
    • bcprov-ext-jdk15to18-170.jar
    • bcprov-jdk15to18-170.jar

    C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\tools\dropins
    • PGPSupportPac.jar
    I updated the Decrypter and Encrypter nodes with PGP Policy information

    This time I was able to successfully deploy the flow without issues. 
    Thank you Matthias Blomme for your support and expertise.

    Lokesh Bonthula

  • 30.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Wed October 05, 2022 03:58 AM
    Edited by Antonio Cerrato Wed October 05, 2022 08:51 AM
    Hi Matthias,

    I am trying to use your solution with policies but I can't make it work.
    I have created a policy with these two properties:

    And this is how the message flow looks like:

    And this is the error that I receive when running that flow:

    < method:evaluate source:Message Encryption Failed! key:\ (The system cannot find the path specified.) >

    My configuration:
    . I have these four jar files in this folder C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\server\jplugin

    I am looking at the java code to try to understand why is not working for me but when looking at the error above I see the package but the code that I cloned does not contain pgp2 but only pgp.

    Please, any help would be really appreciated!


    Antonio Cerrato

  • 31.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu October 06, 2022 08:05 AM
    Hi Antonio

    I can't really read your policy the picture is to small even when I open it seperatly.
    I have more settings in my policy

    Your error states that a key is not found, is your dev and runtime setup in order? Can you check the key repo's? Did you do the pgp key setup? You can find it in the github from Dipak:

    PGP2 is indeed not in the classpath, I think you have the wrong version, maybe an earlier release?

    Matthias Blomme

  • 32.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Thu October 06, 2022 03:45 PM
    Hi Matthias,
    Thank you for your help!
    And yes you were right because after copying the jar files from your repo evertyhing works fine now.


    Antonio Cerrato

  • 33.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Wed September 21, 2022 11:04 AM
    if you update JAVA API for configuration services, it is working good. I am using this with ACE after updating the java files.

    Bhaskar Raja

  • 34.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon May 22, 2023 04:50 AM

    Hi all

    Something strange, since the upgrade to the pgp node is not working anymore, it complains about method not found for

    The full error:
    org/bouncycastle/util/BigIntegers.modOddInverse(Ljava/math/BigInteger;Ljava/math/BigInteger;)Ljava/math/BigInteger; (loaded from file:/D:/IBM/WMQ/java/lib/bcprov-jdk15on.jar by called from class org.bouncycastle.bcpg.RSASecretBCPGKey (loaded from file:/D:/IBM/mqsi/Nodes/config/PSAAEDIIIBTEST/Apipro-GFS/shared-classes/bcpg-jdk15to18-170.jar by

    The issue here is that it takes the BigIntegers.modOddInverse from an old MQ library: D:/IBM/WMQ/java/lib/bcprov-jdk15on.jar that indeed does not contain modOddInverse. 

    My bouncycastle libraries are located on the system shared-classes directory so they should be read before the mq libraries.
    After switching back to the issue is solved, so there is something going wrong with the classloader in

    If anyone has any idea, feel free to share but I will take this up with IBM support and keep you posted.

    Matthias Blomme

  • 35.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Thu May 25, 2023 12:01 PM

    Thank you Matthias for letting me know about it so I will not upgrade to version until we have a solution. 
    Please keep us posted once you hear back from IBM. 

    Lokesh Bonthula

  • 36.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 03:18 AM

    Hi all

    So, with I got it to work by adding the correct jar file inside the ace application. But that is not a good fix since it requires rebuilds.

    Preliminary testing with are positive, so it seems that whatever was wrong in has been fixed in

    I have asked IBM on confirmation and what has changed between mod release 7, 8 and 9. Will keep you posted!

    Matthias Blomme

  • 37.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 07:01 AM
    Edited by Ralf Kronenberg Fri July 07, 2023 08:03 AM

    Same here. Seems to be working again with

    Ralf Kronenberg
    Principal Integration Consultant, PMP
    CAS Concepts and Solutions AG

  • 38.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 11:24 AM

    Thank you Matthias for letting us know, will skip 8 and upgrade to version 9 then. 

    Lokesh Bonthula

  • 39.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Mon August 21, 2023 07:05 AM


    Matthias, any info from IBM considering

    And "So, with I got it to work by adding the correct jar file inside the ace application" how did you do that ?



    Jukka Talvitie

  • 40.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Mon September 25, 2023 08:04 AM

    Hi Matthias,

    Can you let me know how to create Public keys and private Keys for the PGP encryption on CP4i Environment.



    ragesh krishnan

  • 41.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue September 26, 2023 01:28 AM

    Haven't done that. But this seems like a good place to start (I think you need to upload them, not create them)

    Matthias Blomme

  • 42.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Mon December 11, 2023 07:39 AM

    Hi, This may be very silly question to ask. but we are getting a error while trying the pgpkeytool utility.

    can you please guide me on what i am missing . or point me to the correct pgpkeytool utility on the Github.

    ragesh krishnan

  • 43.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed December 13, 2023 02:00 AM

    Hi Ragesh

    No, not silly at all. If you look at the readme you can see that it is shipped with a cli tool

    That tool is the library.

    Just add it to your classpath and it should work for you

    Hope this helps

    Matthias Blomme

  • 44.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Fri May 10, 2024 04:14 AM
    Edited by Matthias Blomme Fri May 10, 2024 04:15 AM

    Matthias Blomme

  • 45.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri May 10, 2024 04:17 AM

    Hi All

    Did an update on the supporting classes. Everything for the runtime is now bundled in a new repo Just have a look at the readme.

    I had classpath issues on 12.0.11.x so I replaced the 3 bc* jar file with bcpg-jdk18on-177.jar. For the runtime it contains whatever you need, logically ordered to where it needs to go. For local creation of keystores you still need to use the setup from the full repo

    (previous post was with the wrong account)

    Matthias Blomme

  • 46.  RE: How to use PGP encryption on IBM ACE v12

    Posted Fri May 10, 2024 02:50 PM

    Thank you for letting me know Matthias. I will try with the new jar that you provided.

    Lokesh Bonthula