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Aspera on Cloud New Feature Release: Support for additional ATS storage classes

  • 1.  Aspera on Cloud New Feature Release: Support for additional ATS storage classes

    Posted Tue December 06, 2022 01:11 PM

    November 17, 2022

    Admin app.

    Aspera on Cloud now supports several additional AWS storage classes, including the increasingly popular Glacier archival classes. Files app users can write directly to Glacier storage and see the "Glacier storage" label for files in Glacier storage.
    • Standard
    • Intelligent Tiering
    • Standard Infrequent Access
    • One-zone Infrequent Access
    • Glacier Instant Retrieval
    • Glacier Flexible Retrieval
    • Glacier Deep Archive
    In a workspace configured on a node with storage class Glacier Flexible Retrieval or Glacier Deep Archive, the Packages app is disabled due to extended AWS retrieval times. In the Files app, users can view and upload to the storage, but cannot download, move, copy, or rename files. For details, see Attach an AWS S3 bucket.
