API Connect

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  • 1.  Aspera Connect Installation issue

    Posted 14 days ago

    I feel  completely ignorant reading through various posts  to find my way here, as most of it is like another language to me. Yet I have been trying for over an hour now and am just going round in circles with what I can find online!  And given it's 22:30 at night can't ring anyone who might know.  Sadly  what I'm trying to do can't wait til tomorrow's business hours.  So I'm fervently hoping someone here will forgive my lack of knowledge and point me in the right direction. 

    I need to download an 80GB file to view tonight and comment on tomorrow.  Going forwards, I'm going to need to do this more and more and the company that is now managing my video assets uses Aspera and suggested I do the same to download.    I did just that - signing up for the 14day trial and tried to follow the  instructions at: https://download.asperasoft.com/download/docs/connect/2.3/aspera-connect-osx.html#setting-up

    But what appears when I then searched for it is what I think is an older version: ?  Which maybe why the instructions at the link above don't look like what I'm seeing.  But when I try and follow instructions to get latest version, I don't seem to be able to.  So then I looked at trying to uninstall what was there but the script provided when I google instructions for this don't work either (syntex error).  

    All I want to do is download from the Faspex linke I've been sent but need to know whether I need to update the version of Aspera I have and if so how do I do that and then just how do I start downloading.

    Can anyone help?


    I haven't had an Aspera account before but am having to use my partner's mac as I don't get mine back for two weeks.  However, he doesn't remember installing this either.  

    I've tried following instructions relevant to if you've got an older version but 

    Lucy Goodman

  • 2.  RE: Aspera Connect Installation issue

    Posted 14 days ago
    I've now managed to sort this out. I still think I have an old version but it seems work. 


    Lucy Goodman
    Happy Films Ltd

    Huckletree Media Works Building
    191 Wood Lane
    LONDON   W12 7FP

  • 3.  RE: Aspera Connect Installation issue

    Posted 14 days ago

    Glad you have sorted it, for future reference you'll probably have better luck in the Aspera forum, this is for API Connect.

    Here's the aspera one: https://community.ibm.com/community/user/integration/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=6f5c7fb2-9873-40ee-8d3e-b0f02f50d0e9

    I suspect we know even less about Aspera than you do :-)

    Chris Dudley