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  • 1.  APIC analytics showing transactions from one DP gateway out of 2 DP gateways configured in cluster.

    Posted 29 days ago

    We are using APIC V5.0.8.6 version and in progress of migrating to V10. However our prod is still running in V5 and we see analytics showing transaction count from one DP device but no data captured from other DP device. We found this using DPOD tool which is showing transaction count for both devices and compared the count with analytics.Now I need to know how to troubleshoot this issue since we will not be able to raise PMR since V5 is out of support.Please provide me any IBM link or configurations that needs to be verified to have this issue fixed.Thanks in advance.

    Shanmuga Rajendra
    Datapower admin

  • 2.  RE: APIC analytics showing transactions from one DP gateway out of 2 DP gateways configured in cluster.

    Posted 7 days ago

    Hi Shunmuga,
    I suspect this may be related to the size of one of your analytics records on the one DP which is causing a parsing error by the web services management agent's push subscriber stylesheet.  This parsing error was a common v5 problem where the capturing of large payloads made the size of the log record too large, the parsing error would occur, and that message would be a "poison pill" record that would always fail for every retry which would cause your symptoms.  Please review your DataPower default log to see if you see a parsing error coming for a stylesheet that is post analytics related.  If that is your issue, you'll need to first restart that DataPower to get it writing to analytics again as the restart would clear the wsm buffer and thus remove the poison record.  There is the ability to provide a custom XML manager to your v5 wsm agent to prevent this in the future, and the v10 API Gateway environment doesn't have this parsing issue.  If you're migrating to v5 compatible, it will still be an issue there.  Please advise if you need instructions on getting a new XML Manager with larger parsing sizes in place.

    Steve Linn

    Steve Linn
    Senior Consulting I/T Specialist

  • 3.  RE: APIC analytics showing transactions from one DP gateway out of 2 DP gateways configured in cluster.

    Posted 7 days ago

    Hi Shanmuga,
    Sorry, I saw a later thread from you which I had answered for this same question https://community.ibm.com/community/user/integration/discussion/how-to-enable-web-services-management-agent-in-v10?ReturnUrl=%2fcommunity%2fuser%2fintegration%2fcommunities%2fcommunity-home%2fdigestviewer%3fcommunitykey%3d2106cca0-a9f9-45c6-9b28-01a28f4ce947

    Best Regards,
    Steve Linn

    Steve Linn
    Senior Consulting I/T Specialist