Instana U

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  • 1.  SAP Observability with Instana

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon June 17, 2024 04:31 AM

    Just a quick update of the progress made by BlueIT in testing/deploying SAP Observability with Instana. 

    With the latest release we have our "WOW EFFECT", in fact Instana is taking track of what is happening in your SAP environment !

    Just an example : Imagine that if you want to check which userid is blocking your production environment with a crazy query, the only way of doing this is SAP is being lucky and take the monitor in the exact moment the event is happening. 

    Instana is recording all activities done by users so that even in a "post-mortem" analysis you have all information availble!!!!!

    Isn't it a real WOW effect ????

    Francesco Sartini

    COO and CInO
    BlueIT s.p.a. SB
    Monza, Italy

  • 2.  RE: SAP Observability with Instana

    Posted Mon June 17, 2024 04:58 AM

    Superb example and use case. And thanks a lot for sharing! 

    Viet Nguyen