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Harvest the power of Instana's Intelligent Actions with our latest GA feature

  • 1.  Harvest the power of Instana's Intelligent Actions with our latest GA feature

    Posted Wed June 26, 2024 10:01 PM
    Edited by Arthur De Magalhaes Wed June 26, 2024 10:03 PM

    Many customers have been participating in our Intelligent Incident Remediation private previews (if you're not, please reach out!), and now the first part of this new wave of genAI features is generally available to all Instana users.  

    With our newest SaaS release you will see a new AI-generated section inside your Automation catalog:

    AI-generated actions inside Instana's Automation Catalog
    These runbooks and scripts have been generated using's granite models to help you diagnose and remediate issues in key technology areas such as Kubernetes, JVM, Host and others.
    To leverage these, just go into the "Recommended Actions" tab in any of your issues or incidents, and click on "Generate with watsonx", which will load our genAI catalog and match against your current issue/incident.  
    Recommended Actions tab with genAI
    Please check out more details in this great blog by our PM Jeremy Hughes: Achieving operational efficiency through Instana's Intelligent Remediation - IBM Blog
    If you would like to be part of other upcoming feature previews - including the expansion of real-time genAI automations for ansible playbooks and other types, incident summarization and probable cause analysis - please reach out to us!  

    Arthur De Magalhaes
    STSM | AI and Automation Architect
    Instana | IT Automation
    Markham Lab