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Annotate span with type Span.Type.INTERMEDIATE doesn't work

  • 1.  Annotate span with type Span.Type.INTERMEDIATE doesn't work

    Posted Mon March 04, 2024 03:18 PM


    I am using the Java SDK to annotate a method with the type "Span.Type.INTERMEDIATE" and it doesn't work. If I annotate with the "Span.Type.ENTRY" type like the one below, it will work, and I can see the call in the Instana dashboard.

    SpanSupport.annotate(Span.Type.ENTRY, "doHealthcheck7", "tags.batch.job", "doHealthcheck7");

    If I annotate with the "Span.Type.INTERMEDIATE" type like the one below, it will not work, and I do not see the call in the Instana dashboard.

    SpanSupport.annotate(Span.Type.INTERMEDIATE, "doHealthcheck8", "tags.batch.job", "doHealthcheck8");

    Does anyone know how to make it work or whether it works? Thanks.

    Andrew Wang

  • 2.  RE: Annotate span with type Span.Type.INTERMEDIATE doesn't work

    Posted Mon March 11, 2024 07:43 PM

    Hi Andrew

    With "Entry", is the call part of a upstream trace? Are you on Saas and can send a link?

    Does the agent log say anything?

    Alternatively, add a tracelog config for 5min and share the logs

          type: trace
          file: /tmp/trace.log



    Tom Tammann