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zDT Learners Edition Renewal

  • 1.  zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Thu January 05, 2023 10:00 AM
    I've had a zDT Learners edition since early last year.  I got an automated email with my renewal for my Learners Edition license recently that expires at the end of February 2023.  Trying to renew online doesn't work, and I seem to be going in circles with support.  

    Anyone is the same situation?  I know the Learners Edition disappeared from the website early last year, so maybe I was one of the lucky ones to get all the way thru the process.

    My USB key doesn't expire until May of 2023, but it's been 2+ months of trying to get the renewal completed.  I don't want to lose the license, since this is like the greatest thing for us mainframers to dig deeper into the functions of a zSeries box.  As an example, I'd learned so much about the IPL process and base configurations that I never thought I would ever need to know, but it was very valuable to related to the actual things I support day to day.

    Hoping this isn't going to be short-lived. 

    John Malinoski

  • 2.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri January 06, 2023 03:30 AM

  • 3.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Wed January 11, 2023 09:09 AM
    John I am in the same situation.   I have spent hours on this so far unsuccessful.   Colin the issue is not that we don't have an idea of how to install a new license but that IBM seems to have broken every path technically or administratively to accept payment for renewal of the existing ZD&T Learner's Edition.   I have had phone calls, email correspondence after hitting the cul de sac trying to simply login and pay on-line but to no avail.

    Thanks, Sam Knutson

    Sam Knutson

  • 4.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Wed January 11, 2023 03:10 PM
    Yeah, I even opened a case with support but was referred to Amber.  I emailed Amber but she no longer works with the zD&T stuff so I was referred to Luis.  She stated that zD&T LE was removed from the site but wasn't sure what was happening with renewals.  She mentioned about a cloud version being available in the near future but had no details.

    I did notice that the cost for personal edition almost doubled in cost from last year.  So even thinking about pursuing that option is a non-starter.  

    The value of zD&T LE for anyone looking into the mainframe realm, even some of us experienced mainframers is incredible.  Although most of my mainframe career has been as a developer, psudo systems guy and now a DB2/IMS DBA has been focused on those technologies, I've learned so much about things like SMS, the IPL process among other things that may not seem relevant to my role but make understanding what goes on behind the scenes much more valuable and able to help when diagnosing problems.

    I actually have my customizations to zD&T separated from the ADCD distribution simply with my own IPL parm.  A little more technical that that, but it makes it easier to roll in newer ADCD distributions.  I mean where can you IPL a dozen times during the day and see what affect parm changes have during the IPL process.

    I'm hoping IBM understands the value that is provided here because it seems to be getting harder and harder to replace mainframe staff.  We need more go-getters, and this exposure can definitely spawn interest.

    John Malinoski

  • 5.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Mon January 23, 2023 09:32 AM
    Hi John,

    I hope you don't mind me replying here. I have been interested in IBM's Z(P)DT offering for a while now.

    This year I've been accepted as a Partner Plus member, I am still navigating this with my contact at IBM. I put in a query to them about LE and if it would be available again. No response on this. I have also e-mailed IBM Sales as per official procedure but that was never responded to.

    The one thing I did get, in a ticket with IBM Support was the following from an engineer named Noël, they were helping me with the IBM Z Trial:

    "Regarding ZD&T's Learner Edition, ZD&T LE will remain unavailable for sales until an alternative option, most likely cloud based, will become available later this year."

    It is quite a shame that they have considered this stance to make it cloud based. I sincerely hope they will change their mind on this, as alternatives to run mainframe operating systems exist. I would prefer an official, on-premises option that is not going to cost an arm and a leg!

    Currently, it is looking better and better to obtain a used frame, I'm trying to work out the details on this and am actively searching for other sellers of hardware in Canada. It seems like it's more cost effective to make a deal for one and host it in my garage instead of using the emulator.

    P.S. Did you know the ZDT Enterprise Edition was briefly available for free during Covid-19? This is unavailable now, but shows you their offering was quite open for a time.

    Kim Rosebush

  • 6.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Wed January 25, 2023 10:01 AM
    Sort of thinking IBM wasn't prepared for the interest on the LE.  I had to go back to my emails when I was going thru the process.  When I got my license key zip file in an email, this was the last couple sentences.


    Regarding renewal, there will be a way for sure. We are currently working on a Learners Edition 2nd generation offering.

     I hope you have fun with Learners Edition.

    I was curious what the 2nd generation offering was.  Now wonder if it is the cloud version.  It took 6 months to get thru the process originally so I guessing there was a lot of discussion on how to handle the orders.  If cloud version means I could do everything I can do with the physical box I have here, I guess that is no problem.  But if is just a shared hosted environment, that totally restricts all the finer detailed stuff I've been playing with.  Things just as simple as changing the CLOCK00 for DST/SDT and re-ipl at my convenience, or a bit more complex like playing with SMS ACS routines and testing them out.  That's the whole purpose of the product.

    John Malinoski

  • 7.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Thu January 26, 2023 01:51 AM
    Agree 100% with your sentiment, "If cloud version means I could do everything I can do with the physical box I have here, I guess that is no problem".

    I thought a year ago that I was in a (short) line to get one of the LE permits, but that faded quickly and after months of no replies from the one IBM contact that I had, I gave up.  I assume that something about a cloud offering makes it seem more secure or more controllable from the IBM POV.  I just hope they do something *sooner* rather than later.

    Peter Farley

  • 8.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Mon January 30, 2023 03:34 AM
    I believe the suggested replacement for LE is Wazi aaS >

    I concede it does have the slight benefit that you don't need to provide/setup your own hardware, and it has a PAYG pricing model - however ZD&T is way more flexible for experienced ZOS guys.


  • 9.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Mon January 30, 2023 09:16 AM
    Curious of the cost.  All the links I can find say to contact sales.  That generally means it's out of reach for an individual user.

    John Malinoski

  • 10.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Mon January 30, 2023 11:35 AM

    Hi Rod,


    Thanks for the wazi links – interesting.  What is the PAYG model by the way?  I am not familiar with that term.




  • 11.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Mon January 30, 2023 12:53 PM
    I would certainly hope that the Wazi offering is not their suggested replacement for Learners Edition.

    The price to spin up a Wazi instance does not compare to the yearly price for Learners Edition, it is way too expensive to run in the cloud.

    A better solution needs to be created, or you're asking everyone who has a desire to learn mainframe in the world to turn to the GNU alternative.


    Kim Rosebush

  • 12.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Mon January 30, 2023 01:07 PM
    I'll defer to @Luis Carlos Silva​​


  • 13.  RE: zDT Learners Edition Renewal

    Posted Mon January 30, 2023 01:08 PM
    Pay As You Go
