Automated Testing

  • 1.  Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Tue May 31, 2022 09:59 AM

    I'm a new zD&T user and I'm facing the below error when I try to apply the update file.

    root@GokulK:/usr/z1090/bin# ./Z1091_token_update -u /home/zdt/

    Info: Processing ZIP file request: /home/zdt/

    Error: Processing complete for NLF: Could not update license!

    Info: License installed: 40D9
    Error: Processing complete for ADCD-1 License: Could not update license!

    Error: Processing complete for ADCD-2 License: Could not update license!

    Error: Processing complete for zPDT License: Could not update license!

    Info: Command completed with 0 error(s).

    Info: Remove the token for 10 to 15 seconds. Then reinsert the token before proceeding.

    After this step I've removed the usb token, inserted it back after 30 secs and verified the license status 

    root@GokulK:/usr/z1090/bin# ./Z1091_token_update -status

    Info: Processing Status request.

    Error: Unable to locate ADCD-1 License.

    Error: Unable to locate ADCD-2 License.

    Info: Command completed with 2 error(s).

    I also made sure that the usb was connected when executing the above command(s)

    Can someone please help me to get this issue fixed ?



    Gokul Krishnamoorthy

  • 2.  RE: Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Tue May 31, 2022 10:16 AM

    Interesting that the zPDT License was prossessed

    Interesting that the key contains RDT, it hasn't been called RDT for years.


    Sent from Mail for Windows 10


  • 3.  RE: Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Wed June 01, 2022 04:08 AM
    What does the physical USB key you have look like?

    a) Kinda grey background to the SafeNet sticker - metal wire for key chain, and white plastic tag, with 'Type 1090-Lxx' printed on it
    b) SafeNet sticker has a black background with either Blue or Green patches, on back embosed black on black, last line starts 03- or 02-  - no key chain


  • 4.  RE: Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Wed June 01, 2022 04:48 AM
    Hi Rod,

    I have the second one "b) SafeNet sticker has a black background with Green patches, on back embosed black on black, last line starts 03- "

    USB token

    Gokul Krishnamoorthy

  • 5.  RE: Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Wed June 01, 2022 05:53 AM
    Great,  and are you generating license files on the Rational License Key Centre here?


  • 6.  RE: Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Wed June 01, 2022 06:37 AM
    Hi Rod,

    My License was gen'd by one of the IBM guys (Senior Product Manager - IBM ZD&T and Wazi Sandbox).

    Gokul Krishnamoorthy

  • 7.  RE: Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Wed June 01, 2022 08:54 AM
    Edited by Rod Wed June 01, 2022 04:24 PM
    I guess this is 'Learners Edition' you have purchased?

    I suggest you get back in touch with @Luis Carlos Silva 


  • 8.  RE: Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Wed June 01, 2022 10:57 AM
    Hi Rod,

    I've updated the license key (the issue was related to Ubuntu running on Windows/WSL2 ) using Ubuntu, installed directly onto the hardware, but I'm facing a new error when I try to decrypt the *.ZPD volumes.

    ibmsys1@ibmsys1-System-Product-Name:/usr/z1090/bin$ ./Z1091_ADCD_install /home/ibmsys1/volumes/D4RES1.ZPD /home/ibmsys1/volumes/D4RES1

    Info: Z1091_ADCD_install: creating file /home/ibmsys1/D4RES1 for installation.

    Info: This procedure can take several minutes to complete.

    LIC hasp: * Sentinel protection key not available : code=7
    Error: Token access failed SFNT Return code: 223

    zPDTA Time Cheat
    Error: ADCD File format is invalid or corrupt
    Error: ADCD File format is invalid or corrupted

    can you please guide me to fix this error ?

    Gokul Krishnamoorthy

  • 9.  RE: Unable to Update USB License Key (zD&T)

    Posted Wed June 01, 2022 03:53 PM
    To decrypt that volume the license key/server needs to be available and valid - the above is suggesting your license has become invalid.
